by Brandon Rhodes • Home

Why am I going to CodeMash?

Date: 10 January 2012
Tags:computing, python

By this time tomorrow I will doubtless be wearing swimming trunks — in northern Ohio — in winter — while listening to people rave about Java and C# and Ruby and wondering what I have gotten myself into. I will be at CodeMash, a conference that was started by developers who wanted an event that focused solely on the programmer while including a wide range of languages and technologies.

Kalahari Water Park in Sandusky, Ohio

It was lucky that I signed up the moment that CodeMash 2012 registration opened back in October, because the 1,200 conference tickets sold out in only 20 minutes — no event in the Python community had prepared me for that kind of demand!

I learned about CodeMash conference from its co-founder Brian Prince when we were fellow speakers at PyOhio last July. So why did a Python programmer like me decide to attend?

CodeMash 2010 CodeMash 2010

(Images are Creative Commons licensed from Flickr photographers iriskh and Alan.Barber.)
