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Completing Tax Forms

Thanks to Luca, I am now able fill out tax forms by building simple JSON files that I can version-control as a compact yet human-readable record of exactly what I have written on every form that I have submitted to the government. Whenever I need to produce a physical copy of a form, Luca can read my JSON and produce a PDF suitable for printing.


I have written this Luca documentation to remind myself how to use my luca command, which I maintain for my own personal use. That is why this documentation is written in the first person: it is simply my own record of how I use the tool. It is in no way intended as advice — whether technical, financial, or legal — about how other people ought to be filling out their own tax forms.

The Idea of a “Filing”

Most tax forms are periodic. They need to be filled out over and over again, every quarter or every year, so that over my career and lifetime I will wind up submitting many separate copies of each form. Furthermore, forms evolve over the years so that the processing logic behind them needs to adjust to varying line numbers and different rules depending on the year in which a form was filed.

For these reasons it is important that I keep the general idea of a form separate from the idea of a particular instance of a form that I have submitted to the government. So in Luca I have used separate terms for these ideas:

For example, “Form 1040, U.S. Individual Income Tax Return,” which exists over many years in different formats and copies, and that has rules that change year to year.
A form as filled out and submitted on a particular date, like “the Form 1040 for the 2011 tax year that I submitted in April of 2012.” It has particular values filled in for each line, and has been computed using exactly the rules for its particular year.

Each tax form JSON file that Luca deals with, therefore, is not really a form but more specifically a filing.

Inputs and Outputs

The JSON for a filing looks like this:

 "inputs": {
  "form_name": "us.f941",
  "year": 2012,
  "quarter": 4,
  "ein": "12-3456789",
  "name": "The Example Corporation",
  "address": "123 Main Street",
  "city": "Anywhere",
  "state": "NY",
  "zip": "12345",
  "line1": 1,
  "line2": "10,000.00",
  "line3": "1,014.50",
  "line5a1": "10,000.00",
  "line5c1": "10,000.00",
  "Part_4": false,
  "signer_name": "Jane Smith",
  "signer_title": "President",
  "signer_phone": "555-1212"
 "outputs": {
  "line4": false,
  "line5a2": "1,040.00",
  "line5b2": "0.00",
  "line5c2": "290.00",
  "line5d": "1,330.00",
  "line6": "2,344.50",
  "line10": "2,344.50",
  "line13": "0.00",
  "line14": "2,344.50",
  "line15": "0.00",
  "line16_total": "0.00"

Luca divides a tax filing quite strictly between input fields and output fields, which are stored in their own sections of the filing’s JSON. Strictly speaking, a tax filing is a JSON object that defines only two names, input and output, that together contain all of the information from the filing.

Note that dollar amounts in the JSON file are always represented as strings containing decimal numbers like "1.23" instead of being stored as bare JSON floating point numbers like 1.23 without quotation marks around them. This avoids the rounding errors and imprecision that take place when the machine attempts to store decimal fractions as base-2 floating point. Luca automatically detects strings that look like numbers with a decimal point, and converts them to safe Python Decimal instances.


My typical workflow when filling out a tax form and wanting to see the result is:

  1. I ask Luca to build an initial, blank version of the form, that lists the default value of each field. I can choose whatever filename I want. I typically start each filename with the year and (if applicable) quarter so that they sort by date when I list the directory.

    luca defaults us.f941 > 2012-Q1-f941.json
  2. I then edit the form, removing all of the default values that I am happy with — since Luca will assign each omitted field its default value — and filling in only the values that I actually need to specify.

    emacs 2012-Q1-f941.json    # my editor of choice
  3. Once the inputs have been filled in, I can ask Luca to compute all of the output fields and to render the result as a PDF file. Luca creates an out/ directory for me automatically if one does not already exist in the current directory, and places there a PDF with the same filename as my JSON file.

    luca complete 2012-Q1-f941.json
    view out/2012-Q1-f941.pdf
  4. Once I have corrected any typos in my inputs and am happy with how the form looks, I can commit it to version control. This is especially important so that I have a complete history of exactly what I submitted on each form, in case I ever need to send in an amended return in the future.

    git ci -m 'Filled out 941 for Q1' 2012-Q1-f941.json

When repeated over months and years, this procedure results in a version controlled history of all of the tax forms that I have submitted to the government. Furthermore, it automates the process of doing the additions and subtractions required on each particular tax form and makes it less likely that there will be errors.

If I ever discover that Luca has been computing a form incorrectly — either because of a bug, or because of an outright misunderstanding about the tax law that I manage to enshrine in Luca’s code — then I can quickly re-run all of my tax forms and see immediately which ones are in need of amendment:

luca complete *.json
git diff

Field Names

Luca names form fields by their letter or number when possible, instead of trying to come up with clever and meaningful names. This makes it easy for me to visually relate the JSON data to the actual printed form.

Semantic names were a constant temptation as I implemented my first few tax forms, but they wind up making programming difficult: tax form instructions always refer to “line 7”, not “Wages, salaries, tips, etc”!

# A temptation that Luca avoids:

"wages_salaries_tips": "46,100.86",
"taxable_interest": "15.40",
"tax_exempt_interest": "9.01",

So Luca refers to sections and schedules by simple names like A and K1, since these are valid identifiers in Python already. But since numbers are not valid identifiers — a Python program cannot use form.7 in an expression — tax form lines get the word line put in front of their names.

# Luca always names fields like this instead:

"line7": "46,100.86",
"line8a": "15.40",
"line8b": "9.01",

Avoiding semantic names also has the great benefit of discouraging me from trying to proofread the tax form by staring at the JSON file by itself. For the line numbers to be meaningful I generally have to open the tax form itself in a PDF reader on the other side of my screen, which is exactly what I should be doing — I want Luca to be a tool that makes me read the tax forms themselves, not a tool that pulls my attention away from the actual document that I am legally required to fill out correctly.