PyEphem Quick Reference

Those experienced with both Python and astronomy should be able to start using PyEphem using only the notes and examples shown below! There are two ways to begin using PyEphem in a Python program. One is to import the module by name, and then to prefix everything you want to use from the module with the qualifier ephem; this is the way the code snippets below are written, which hopefully makes it clear which variables are coming from PyEphem itself and which are being created in the course of each example.

>>> import ephem
>>> m = ephem.Mars('1970')
>>> print(ephem.constellation(m))
('Aqr', 'Aquarius')

But to avoid typing the module name over and over again, you can tell Python to import everything from the module right into your namespace, where you can then use them without further qualification:

>>> from ephem import *
>>> m = Mars('1970')
>>> print(constellation(m))
('Aqr', 'Aquarius')

To understand each of the following examples, first read the source code snippet carefully, and only then dive into the explanations beneath it.


>>> m = ephem.Mars()
>>> a ='Arcturus')
  • The Sun, Moon, planets, and major planet moons each have their own class.
  • PyEphem includes a modest catalog of famous bright stars.
  • Body instances know their name (which you can set to whatever you want).
>>> m = ephem.Mars('2003/8/27')
>>> print('%s %s %.10f' % (, m.elong, m.size))
Mars -173:00:34.2 25.1121063232
  • Extra arguments when you create a Body are used to perform an initial compute() (see the next section).


>>> j = ephem.Jupiter()
>>> j.compute('1986/2/8')
>>> print('%s %s' % (j.ra, j.dec))
21:57:50.47 -13:17:37.2
>>> j.compute('1986/2/9', epoch='1950')
>>> print('%s %s' % (j.a_ra, j.a_dec))
21:56:50.83 -13:22:54.3
  • Computes the position of the body.

  • The date if omitted defaults to now().

  • The epoch if omitted defaults to '2000'.

  • Date and epoch arguments can be anything acceptable to Date().

  • Sets the following body attributes:

    a_raAstrometric geocentric right ascension for the epoch specified
    a_decAstrometric geocentric declination for the epoch specified
    g_ra and raApparent geocentric right ascension for the epoch-of-date
    g_dec and decApparent geocentric declination for the epoch-of-date
    elong — Elongation: the angle between the Sun and the body, but with the sign flipped to negative when the body is on the morning side of the sky.
    mag — Magnitude
    size — Size (diameter in arcseconds)
    radius — Size (radius as an angle)
    circumpolar — whether it stays above the horizon
    neverup — whether it stays below the horizon
  • On Solar System bodies, also sets:

    hlon — Astrometric heliocentric longitude (see next paragraph)
    hlat — Astrometric heliocentric latitude (see next paragraph)
    sun_distance — Distance to Sun (AU)
    earth_distance — Distance to Earth (AU)
    phase — Percent of surface illuminated

    Both hlon and hlat have a special meaning for the Sun and Moon. For a Sun body, they give the Earth’s heliocentric longitude and latitude. For a Moon body, they give the Moon’s geocentric longitude and latitude.

  • On planetary moons, also sets:

    Position of moon relative to planet
    (measured in planet radii)
    x — offset +east or –west
    y — offset +south or –north
    z — offset +front or –behind
    Whether the moon is visible…
    earth_visible — from the Earth
    sun_visible — from the Sun
  • On artificial satellites, also sets:

    Geographic point beneath satellite:
    sublat — Geocentric latitude (+N)
    sublong — Geocentric longitude (+E)
    elevation — Geocentric height above sea level, measured from the surface of the WGS66 ellipsoid (m)

    range — Distance from observer to satellite (m)
    range_velocity — Range rate of change (m/s)
    eclipsed — Whether satellite is in Earth’s shadow
  • On Moon bodies, also sets:

    Current libration:
    libration_lat — in Latitude
    libration_long — in Longitude

    colong — Selenographic colongiude
    moon_phase — Percent of surface illuminated
    subsolar_lat — Lunar latitude that the Sun is standing above
  • On Jupiter bodies, also determines the longitude of the central meridian facing Earth, both in System I (which measures rotation at the Jovial equator) and System II (which measures rotation at temperate latitudes).

    cmlI — Central meridian longitude in System I
    cmlII — Central meridian longitude in System II
  • On Saturn bodies, also sets the tilt of the rings, with southward tilt being positive, and northward, negative:

    earth_tilt — Tilt towards Earth
    sun_tilt — Tilt towards Sun


>>> gatech = ephem.Observer()
>>> gatech.lon = '-84.39733'
>>> = '33.775867'
>>> gatech.elevation = 320
>>> = '1984/5/30 16:22:56'
>>> v = ephem.Venus(gatech)
>>> print('%s %s' % (v.alt,
72:19:45.1 134:14:25.4
  • Computes the position of the Body.

  • Uses the date of the observer.

  • Uses the epoch of the observer.

  • Sets all of the Body attributes listed in the previous section.

  • For earth satellite objects, the astrometric coordinates a_ra and a_dec are topocentric instead of geocentric.

  • Also computes where the body appears in the sky (or below the horizon) for the observer, and sets four more Body attributes:

    ha — Hour angle
    ra — Right ascension
    dec — Declination

    Apparent position relative to horizon
    az — Azimuth 0°–360° east of north
    alt — Altitude ±90° relative to the horizon’s great circle (unaffected by the rise/set setting horizon)
  • These apparent positions include an adjustment to simulate atmospheric refraction for the observer’s temperature and pressure; set the observer’s pressure to zero to ignore refraction.

  • If you are curious about how big an effect atmospheric refraction had on a position, the most comprehensive approach is to re-run your calculation with the body’s .pressure set to zero, which turns refraction off. You can then compare to see how refraction affected not only its .alt but also its apparent .ra and .dec.

>>> print(v.alt)
>>> u = ephem.unrefract(gatech.pressure, gatech.temperature, v.alt)
>>> print(u)
  • But if you simply want to perform a quick check of how much a body’s altitude was affected by refraction, you can call unrefract() and pass it an altitude. It will return the true altitude at which the body would appear if its image were not affected by atmospheric refraction. The effect of refraction will only be large near the horizon.

catalog format

>>> line = "C/2002 Y1 (Juels-Holvorcem),e,103.7816,166.2194,128.8232,242.5695,0.0002609,0.99705756,0.0000,04/13.2508/2003,2000,g  6.5,4.0"
>>> yh = ephem.readdb(line)
>>> yh.compute('2007/10/1')
>>> print('%.10f' % yh.earth_distance)
>>> print(yh.mag)
  • Bodies can be imported and exported in the popular XEphem format.

  • When you deal with asteroids and comets, whose orbital parameters are subject to frequent revision, you will usually find yourself downloading an XEphem file and reading its contents.

  • To interpret a line in XEphem format, call the readdb() function:

    halley = ephem.readdb(line)
  • To export a body in XEphem format, call the writedb() method of the body itself:

>>> line1 = "ISS (ZARYA)"
>>> line2 = "1 25544U 98067A   03097.78853147  .00021906  00000-0  28403-3 0  8652"
>>> line3 = "2 25544  51.6361  13.7980 0004256  35.6671  59.2566 15.58778559250029"
>>> iss = ephem.readtle(line1, line2, line3)
>>> iss.compute('2003/3/23')
>>> print('%s %s' % (iss.sublong, iss.sublat))
-76:24:18.3 13:05:31.1
  • Satellite elements often come packaged in a format called TLE, that has the satellite name on one line and the elements on the following two lines.
  • Call the readtle() function to turn a TLE entry into a PyEphem Body.

bodies with orbital elements

  • When you load minor objects like comets and asteroids, the resulting object specifies the orbital elements that allow XEphem to predict its position.

  • These orbital elements are available for you to inspect and change.

  • If you lack a catalog from which to load an object, you can start by creating a raw body of one of the following types and filling in its elements.

  • Element attribute names start with underscores to distinguish them from the normal Body attributes that are set as the result of calling compute().

  • Each FixedBody has only three necessary elements:

    _ra, _dec — Position
    _epoch — The epoch of the position

    The other FixedBody elements store trivia about its appearance:

    _class — One-character string classification
    _spect — Two-character string for the spectral code
    _ratio — Ratio between the major and minor diameters
    _pa — the angle at which the major axis lies in the sky, measured east of north (°)
  • EllipticalBody elements:

    _inc — Inclination (°)
    _Om — Longitude of ascending node (°)
    _om — Argument of perihelion (°)
    _a — Mean distance from sun (AU)
    _M — Mean anomaly from the perihelion (°)
    _epoch_M — Date for measurement _M
    _size — Angular size (arcseconds at 1 AU)
    _e — Eccentricity
    _epoch — Epoch for _inc, _Om, and _om
    _H, _G — Parameters for the H/G magnitude model
    _g, _k — Parameters for the g/k magnitude model
  • HyperbolicBody elements:

    _epoch — Equinox year for _inc, _Om, and _om
    _epoch_p — Epoch of perihelion
    _inc — Inclination (°)
    _Om — Longitude of ascending node (°)
    _om — Argument of perihelion (°)
    _e — Eccentricity
    _q — Perihelion distance (AU)
    _g, _k — Magnitude model coefficients
    _size — Angular size in arcseconds at 1 AU
  • ParabolicBody elements:

    _epoch — Epoch for _inc, _Om, and _om
    _epoch_p — Epoch of perihelion
    _inc — Inclination (°)
    _Om — Longitude of ascending node (°)
    _om — Argument of perihelion (°)
    _q — Perihelion distance (AU)
    _g, _k — Magnitude model coefficients
    _size — Angular size in arcseconds at 1 AU
  • EarthSatellite elements of man-made satellites:

    epoch — Reference epoch
    n — Mean motion, in revolutions per day
    inc — Inclination (°)
    raan — Right Ascension of ascending node (°)
    e — Eccentricity
    ap — Argument of perigee at epoch (°)
    M — Mean anomaly from perigee at epoch (°)
    decay — Orbit decay rate in revolutions per day, per day
    drag — Object drag coefficient in per earth radii
    orbit — Integer orbit number of epoch

Other Functions

>>> m = ephem.Moon('1980/6/1')
>>> print(ephem.constellation(m))
('Sgr', 'Sagittarius')
  • The constellation() function returns a tuple containing the abbreviated name and full name of the constellation in which its argument lies.
  • You can either pass a Body whose position is computed, or a tuple (ra, dec) of coordinates — in which case epoch 2000 is assumed unless you also pass an epoch= keyword argument specifying another value.
>>> print(ephem.delta_t('1980'))
  • The delta_t() function returns the difference, in seconds, on the given date between Terrestrial Time and Universal Time.
  • Takes a Date or Observer argument.
  • Without an argument, uses now().
>>> ephem.julian_date('2000/1/1')
  • The julian_date() function returns the official Julian Date of the given day and time.
  • Takes a Date or Observer argument.
  • Without an argument, uses now().
>>> ra, dec = '7:16:00', '-6:17:00'
>>> print(ephem.uranometria(ra, dec))
V2 - P274
>>> print(ephem.uranometria2000(ra, dec))
V2 - P135
>>> print(ephem.millennium_atlas(ra, dec))
V1 - P273
  • Take an ra and dec as arguments.

  • Return the volume and page on which that coordinate lies in the given star atlas:

    Uranometria by Johannes Bayer.
    Uranometria 2000.0 edited by Wil Tirion.
    Millennium Star Atlas by Roger W. Sinnott and Michael A. C. Perryman.
>>> m1 = ephem.Moon('1970/1/16')
>>> m2 = ephem.Moon('1970/1/17')
>>> s = ephem.separation(m1, m2)
>>> print("In one day the Moon moved %s" % s)
In one day the Moon moved 12:33:28.5
  • The separation() function returns the angle that separates two positions on a sphere.
  • Each argument can be either a Body, in which case its ra and dec are used, or a tuple (lon, lat) giving a pair of spherical coordinates where lon measures angle around the sphere’s equator and lat measures the angle above or below its equator.

Coordinate Conversion

>>> np = Equatorial('0', '90', epoch='2000')
>>> g = Galactic(np)
>>> print('%s %s' % (g.lon,
122:55:54.9 27:07:41.7
  • There are three coordinate classes, which each have three properties:

    ra — right ascension
    dec — declination
    epoch — epoch of the coordinate
    lon — ecliptic longitude (+E)
    lat — ecliptic latitude (+N)
    epoch — epoch of the coordinate
    lon — galactic longitude (+E)
    lat — galactic latitude (+N)
    epoch — epoch of the coordinate
  • When creating a new coordinate, you can pass either a body, or another coordinate, or a pair of raw angles (always place the longitude or right ascension first).

  • When creating a coordinate, you can optionally pass an epoch= keyword specifying the epoch for the coordinate system. Otherwise the epoch is copied from the body or other coordinate being used, or J2000 is used as the default.

  • See the Coordinate Transformations document for more details.


>>> lowell = ephem.Observer()
>>> lowell.lon = '-111:32.1'
>>> = '35:05.8'
>>> lowell.elevation = 2198
>>> = '1986/3/13'
>>> j = ephem.Jupiter()
>>> j.compute(lowell)
>>> print(j.circumpolar)
>>> print(j.neverup)
>>> print('%s %s' % (j.alt,
0:57:44.7 256:41:01.3
  • Describes a position on Earth’s surface.

  • Pass to the compute() method of a Body.

  • These are the attributes you can set:

    date — Date and time
    epoch — Epoch for astrometric RA/dec

    Geographic coordinates, assuming the IERS 1989 ellipsoid (flattening=1/298.257):
    lat — Geodetic latitude (+N)
    lon — Geodetic longitude (+E)
    elevation — Elevation (m)

    temperature — Temperature (°C)
    pressure — Atmospheric pressure (mBar)
  • The date defaults to now().

  • The epoch defaults to '2000'.

  • The temperature defaults to 25°C.

  • The pressure defaults to 1010mBar.

  • Other attributes default to zero.

  • You can also refer to temperature by its old name temp.

  • You can make a copy of an Observer with its copy() method.

>>> lowell.compute_pressure()
>>> lowell.pressure
  • Computes the pressure at the observer’s current elevation, using the International Standard Atmosphere.
>>> boston ='Boston')
>>> print('%s %s' % (, boston.lon))
42:21:30.4 -71:03:35.2
  • XEphem includes a small database of world cities.
  • Each call to city() returns a new Observer.
  • Only latitude, longitude, and elevation are set.

transit, rising, and setting

>>> sitka = ephem.Observer()
>>> = '1999/6/27'
>>> = '57:10'
>>> sitka.lon = '-135:15'
>>> m = ephem.Mars()
>>> print(sitka.next_transit(m))
1999/6/27 04:22:45
>>> print('%s %s' % (m.alt,
21:18:33.6 180:00:00.0
>>> print(sitka.next_rising(m, start='1999/6/28'))
1999/6/28 23:28:25
>>> print('%s %s' % (m.alt,
-0:00:05.8 111:10:41.6
  • Eight Observer methods are available for finding the time that an object rises, transits across the meridian, and sets:

  • Each takes a Body argument, which can be any body except an EarthSatellite (for which the next_pass() method below should be used).

  • Starting at the Observer’s date they search the entire circuit of the sky that the body was making from its previous anti-transit to the next.

  • If the search is successful, returns a Date value.

  • Always leaves the Body at its position on that date.

  • Always leaves the Observer unmodified.

  • Takes an optional start= argument giving the date and time from which the search for a rising, transit, or setting should commence.

  • We define the meridian as the line running overhead from the celestial North pole to the South pole, and the anti-meridian as the other half of the same great circle; so the transit and anti-transit methods always succeed, whether the body crosses the horizon or not.

  • But the rising and setting functions raise exceptions if the body does not to cross the horizon; the exception hierarchy is:

     +--- ephem.AlwaysUpError
     +--- ephem.NeverUpError
  • Rising and setting are defined as the moments when the upper limb of the body touches the horizon (that is, when the body’s alt plus radius equals zero).

  • Rising and setting are sensitive to atmospheric refraction at the horizon, and therefore to the observer’s temperature and pressure; set the pressure to zero to turn off refraction.

  • Rising and setting pay attention to the observer’s horizon attribute; see the next section.

>>> line1 = "IRIDIUM 80 [+]"
>>> line2 = "1 25469U 98051C   09119.61415140 -.00000218  00000-0 -84793-4 0  4781"
>>> line3 = "2 25469  86.4029 183.4052 0002522  86.7221 273.4294 14.34215064557061"
>>> iridium_80 = ephem.readtle(line1, line2, line3)
>>> = '2009/5/1'
>>> info = boston.next_pass(iridium_80)
>>> print("Rise time: %s azimuth: %s" % (info[0], info[1]))
Rise time: 2009/5/1 00:22:15 azimuth: 104:36:16.0
  • The next_pass() method takes an EarthSatellite body and determines when it will next cross above the horizon.

  • The next_pass() method is implemented by the C library that’s wrapped by PyEphem, so it unfortunately ignores the horizon attribute that controls PyEphem’s own rising and setting routines.

  • It returns a six-element tuple giving:

    0  Rise time
    1  Rise azimuth
    2  Maximum altitude time
    3  Maximum altitude
    4  Set time
    5  Set azimuth
  • Any of the tuple values can be None if that event was not found.


>>> sun = ephem.Sun()
>>> greenwich = ephem.Observer()
>>> = '51:28:38'
>>> print(greenwich.horizon)
>>> = '2007/10/1'
>>> r1 = greenwich.next_rising(sun)
>>> greenwich.pressure = 0
>>> greenwich.horizon = '-0:34'
>>> = '2007/10/1'
>>> r2 = greenwich.next_rising(sun)
>>> print('Visual sunrise: %s' % r1)
Visual sunrise: 2007/10/1 05:59:30
>>> print('Naval Observatory sunrise: %s' % r2)
Naval Observatory sunrise: 2007/10/1 05:59:50
  • The horizon attribute defines your horizon, the altitude of the upper limb of a body at the moment you consider it to be rising and setting.
  • The horizon defaults to zero degrees.
  • The United States Naval Observatory, rather than computing refraction dynamically, uses a constant estimate of 34’ of refraction at the horizon. So in the above example, rather than attempting to jury-rig values for temperature and pressure that yield the magic 34’, we turn off PyEphem refraction entirely and define the horizon itself as being at 34’ altitude instead.
  • To determine when a body will rise “high enough” above haze or obstacles, set horizon to a positive number of degrees.
  • A negative value of horizon can be used when an observer is high off of the ground.

other Observer methods

>>> madrid ='Madrid')
>>> = '1978/10/3 11:32'
>>> print(madrid.sidereal_time())
  • Takes no arguments.
  • Computes the Local Apparent Sidereal Time (LAST) for the observer’s latitude, longitude, date, and time.
  • The return value is a floating point angle measured in radians that prints as hours, minutes, and seconds where there are 24 hours in a full Earth rotation.
>>> ra, dec = madrid.radec_of(0, '90')  # altitude=90°: the zenith
>>> print('%s %s' % (ra, dec))
12:05:35.12 40:17:49.8
  • Both of the arguments az and alt are interpreted as angles, using PyEphem’s usual convention: a float point number is radians, while a string is interpreted as degrees.
  • Returns the astrometric right ascension and declination of the point on the celestial sphere that lies at the apparent azimuth and altitude provided as arguments.
  • Returns J2000 star chart coordinates if the observer’s .epoch is left at its default value of J2000. To instead return equinox-of-date coordinates, which are measured against where the Earth’s pole is actually pointing on that date, override the default with an assignment like madrid.epoch =

Equinoxes & Solstices

>>> d1 = ephem.next_equinox('2000')
>>> print(d1)
2000/3/20 07:35:17
>>> d2 = ephem.next_solstice(d1)
>>> print(d2)
2000/6/21 01:47:51
>>> t = d2 - d1
>>> print("Spring lasted %.1f days" % t)
Spring lasted 92.8 days
  • Functions take a Date argument.

  • Return a Date.

  • Available functions:


Phases of the Moon

>>> d1 = ephem.next_full_moon('1984')
>>> print(d1)
1984/1/18 14:05:10
>>> d2 = ephem.next_new_moon(d1)
>>> print(d2)
1984/2/1 23:46:25
  • Functions take a Date argument.

  • Return a Date.

  • Available functions:



>>> a = ephem.degrees(3.141593)  # float: radians
>>> print(a)
>>> a = ephem.degrees('180:00:00')  # str: degrees
>>> print(a)
>>> a
>>> print("180 degrees is %f radians" % a)
180 degrees is 3.141593 radians
>>> h = ephem.hours('1:00:00')
>>> deg = ephem.degrees(h)
>>> print("1h right ascension = %s degrees" % deg)
1h right ascension = 15:00:00.0 degrees
  • Many Body and Observer attributes return their value as Angle objects.

  • Most angles are measured in degrees.

  • Only right ascension is measured in hours.

  • You can also create angles yourself through two ephem functions:

    degrees() — return an Angle in degrees
    hours() — return an Angle in hours
  • Each angle acts like a Python float.

  • Angles always store floating-point radians.

  • Only when printed, passed to str(), or formatted with '%s' do angles display themselves as degrees or hours.

  • When setting an angle attribute in a body or observer, or creating angles yourself, you can provide either floating-point radians or a string with degrees or hours. The following angles are equivalent:

    ephem.degrees(ephem.pi / 32)
  • When doing math on angles, the results will often exceed the normal bounds for an angle. Therefore two attributes are provided for each angle:

    norm — returns angle normalized to [0, 2π).
    znorm — returns angle normalized to [-π, π).
  • For more details see the Angle document.


>>> d = ephem.Date('1997/3/9 5:13')
>>> print(d)
1997/3/9 05:13:00
>>> d
>>> d.triple()
(1997, 3, 9.21736111111386)
>>> d.tuple()
(1997, 3, 9, 5, 13, 0.0)
>>> d + ephem.hour
>>> print( + ephem.hour))
1997/3/9 06:13:00
>>> print( + 1))
1997/3/10 05:13:00
  • Dates are stored and returned as floats.

  • Only when printed, passed to str(), or formatted with '%s' does a date express itself as a string giving the calendar day and time.

  • The modern Gregorian calendar is used for recent dates, and the old Julian calendar for dates before October 15, 1582.

  • Dates always use Universal Time, never your local time zone.

  • Call .triple() to split a date into its year, month, and day.

  • Call .tuple() to split a date into its year, month, day, hour, minute, and second.

  • You can create ephem.Date() dates yourself in addition to those you will be returned by other objects.

  • Call for the current date and time.

  • When setting a date attribute in a body or observer, or creating angles yourself, you can provide either floating-point radians, a string, or a tuple. The following dates are equivalent:

    ephem.Date('1997/3/10 05.275')
    ephem.Date('1997/3/10 05:16.5')
    ephem.Date('1997/3/10 05:16:30')
    ephem.Date('1997/3/10 05:16:30.0')
    ephem.Date((1997, 3, 10.2197916667))
    ephem.Date((1997, 3, 10, 5, 16, 30.0))
  • Dates store the number of days that have passed since noon Universal Time on the last day of 1899. By adding and subtracting whole numbers from dates, you can move several days into the past or future. If you want to move by smaller amounts, the following constants may be helpful:

  • For more details see the Date document.

to your local time zone

>>> d = ephem.Date('1997/3/9 5:13')
>>> local = ephem.localtime(d)
>>> local
datetime.datetime(1997, 3, 9, 0, 13)
>>> print(local)
1997-03-09 00:13:00
  • The localtime() function converts a PyEphem date into a Python datetime object expressed in your local time zone.

to a specific timezone

>>> from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo
>>> zone = ZoneInfo('US/Eastern')
>>> local = ephem.to_timezone(d, zone)
>>> local
datetime.datetime(1997, 3, 9, 0, 13, tzinfo=zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='US/Eastern'))
>>> print(local)
1997-03-09 00:13:00-05:00
  • The to_timezone() function converts a PyEphem date into a Python datetime object expressed in the provided time zone. The timezone needs to be datetime.tzinfo-compliant. For simplicity an own implementation for UTC is provided.
  • Python 3.9 and later offer world time zones in the zoneinfo module. Previous versions of Python can load world time zones by installing the third-party pytz module.

from a specific timezone

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo
>>> zone = ZoneInfo('US/Eastern')
>>> local = datetime(2021, 11, 26, 10, 17, tzinfo=zone)
>>> d = ephem.Date(local)
>>> print(d)
2021/11/26 15:17:00
  • New in PyEphem 4.1.1: If you pass PyEphem a Python datetime that specifies a time zone, then PyEphem will automatically convert the date into UTC for you.
  • Python 3.9 and later offer world time zones in the zoneinfo module. Previous versions of Python can load world time zones by installing the third-party pytz module.

Stars and Cities

>>> rigel ='Rigel')
>>> print('%s %s' % (rigel._ra, rigel._dec))
5:14:32.27 -8:12:05.9
  • PyEphem provides a catalog of bright stars.
  • Each call to star() returns a new FixedBody whose coordinates are those of the named star.
>>> stuttgart ='Stuttgart')
>>> print(stuttgart.lon)
>>> print(
  • PyEphem knows 122 world cities.
  • The city() function returns an Observer whose longitude, latitude, and elevation are those of the given city.

Other Constants

  • PyEphem provides constants for the dates of a few major star-atlas epochs:

  • PyEphem provides, for reference, the length of four distances, all in meters:

  • PyEphem provides the speed of light in meters per second:


Attributes to avoid

  • To avoid breaking old scripts, PyEphem still supports several deprecated body attributes. They invoke old C routines that have not proven very reliable. Instead, try using the routines described above in the “transit, rising, and setting” section.
    • rise_time
    • rise_az
    • transit_time
    • transit_alt
    • set_time
    • set_az