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Confirmed - Afternoon 26 July 1998:
Confirmed - the Fox near the Mason-Dixon line
Confirmed - (which is also the Pennsylvania-Maryland Line)
Confirmed - 1037.9 miles complete (47.93%)
Confirmed - 1127.6 miles to go (52.07%)

The Fox to Rest One Week

[26 July 1998] The Fox's attempt to get back on the trail has proven abortive; within a short amount of time his foot was again in pain and prevented him from continuing his hike immediately. He is almost at the Maryland-Pennsylvania border, and hopes to spend tonight (Sunday night) at a shelter in Pennsylvania (a shelter he had been aiming for was closed for renovation). He will try to make it to Fayetteville (see the inset map), from which he can catch a ride to Chambersburg and rest at a hotel while caring for his foot.
Map (detail)

Map (overview)


The white arrow indicates the Fox's last confirmed position on the trail.

The blue arrow is an estimate of the Fox's current position.

If the Fox is significantly ahead of or behind his projected schedule, a red arrow will appear that indicates where he had planned to be by this date.

Return home. This page last compiled on 21 December 2009 by webmaster Brandon Rhodes (brandon@rhodesmill.org).