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Confirmed - Last contact with the Fox was from:
Confirmed - Baxter Peak on Mt Katahdin
Confirmed - the end of the trail!

KATAHDIN! The Journey is Complete

[13 August 1999] We joined the Fox and his parents today for a successful hike of Mt Katahdin in Baxter State Park in Maine, marking the end of his first hike of the AT. Skies were clear this morning as we woke in his lean-to and prepared to hike to the summit. He reached the top with his parents at 11:05am EDT. We will return with him to Atlanta after showering him off and eating a lobster dinner with his family.
Map (overview)

The white arrow indicates the Fox's last confirmed position on the trail.

Return home. This page last compiled on 21 December 2009 by webmaster Brandon Rhodes (brandon@rhodesmill.org).