                   Animating with ASCII                   
               (Or, An Analysis Of The Code               
                Behind My PyCon 2017 Talk)                
                  North Bay Python 2017                   
                     PyCon 2017 talk                      
                   used ASCII animation                   
                     PyCon 2017 talk                      
                   used ASCII animation                   
                     PyCon 2017 talk                      
                   used ASCII animation                   
                   “How did you do it?”                   
                     PyCon 2017 talk                      
                   used ASCII animation                   
                   “How did you do it?”                   
                 Guardrails for My Talks                  
                    1. Per-slide timer                    
      number_of_seconds_left / number_of_slides_left      
              2. Constrain the design space               
              2. Constrain the design space               
                  Normal presentations:                   
          RestructuredText →  HTML + Custom CSS           
              2. Constrain the design space               
                  Normal presentations:                   
          RestructuredText →  HTML + Custom CSS           
                   ASCII presentations:                   
                    • Python script                       
                    • Terminal window                     
                    • Ubuntu Mono                         
                     3. Brief slides                      
                  Short slides are less                   
                 distracting for audience                 
                       Short slides                       
                    keep you on track                     
                  Short slides decrease                   
                 the load on your memory                  
           Rule: if I discover during practice            
            that a slide has two ideas inside,            
           Rule: if I discover during practice            
            that a slide has two ideas inside,            
                I split it into two slides                
                       4. Big font                        
                       4. Big font                        
            This is the biggest terminal font             
           that still fits the code on slide 86           
                 Guardrails for My Talks                  
              1. Per-slide timer                          
              2. Constrain the design space               
              3. Brief slides                             
              4. Big font                                 
                        PyCon 2017                        
                        PyCon 2017                        
           Wrote my own ASCII animation library           
         because I couldn’t understand the others         
                     1. Technical                         
                     2. Architectural                     
                 The Technical Challenges                 
              f / space = Forward one slide               
              b = Backward one slide                      
              r = Repeat slide                            
              keystroke = sys.stdin.read(1)               
              keystroke = sys.stdin.read(1)               
                  — the animation froze                   
          if select([sys.stdin], (), (), 0)[0]:           
              keystroke = sys.stdin.read(1)               
            But my program still didn’t see my            
             keystrokes until I pressed Enter             
                     You might think                      
                (your process) ↔  terminal                
                    You would be wrong                    
          (your process) ↔  termios ↔  terminal           
            controlled not by write(), but an             
           out-of-band system call tcsetattr()            
                   “man termios”, or —                    
$ stty -a                                                 
speed 38400 baud; rows 17; columns 56; line = 0;          
intr = ^C; quit = ^\; erase = ^?; kill = ^U; eof = ^D;    
eol = ; eol2 = ; swtch = ;           
start = ^Q; stop = ^S; susp = ^Z; rprnt = ^R;             
werase = ^W; lnext = ^V; discard = ^O; min = 1; time = 0; 
-parenb -parodd -cmspar cs8 -hupcl -cstopb cread -clocal  
-ignbrk -brkint -ignpar -parmrk -inpck -istrip -inlcr     
-igncr icrnl -ixon -ixoff -iuclc -ixany -imaxbel iutf8    
opost -olcuc -ocrnl onlcr -onocr -onlret -ofill -ofdel    
nl0 cr0 tab0 bs0 vt0 ff0                                  
isig icanon iexten echo echoe echok -echonl -noflsh       
-xcase -tostop -echoprt echoctl echoke -flusho -extproc   
     Why have a driver between you and the terminal?      
      $ man termios                                       
             ONLCR  (XSI) Map NL to CR-NL on output.      
             CR: Moves cursor to left margin              
             CR: Moves cursor to left margin              
  def update_progress_bar(percent):                       
      out = sys.stdout                                    
      out.write('\rFile {:.1f}% done'.format(percent))    
              LF: Moves cursor straight down              
                     For simplicity,                      
                 UNIX files put only a LF                 
                 at the end of each line                  
$ ps                                                      
  PID TTY          TIME CMD                               
 3712 pts/0    00:00:04 zsh                               
 4412 pts/0    00:00:00 ps                                
 8375 pts/0    00:23:22 emacs                             
$ ps                                                      
  PID TTY          TIME CMD                               
 3712 pts/0    00:00:04 zsh                               
 4412 pts/0    00:00:00 ps                                
 8375 pts/0    00:23:22 emacs                             
$ stty -onlcr                                             
$ ps                                                      
  PID TTY          TIME CMD                               
 3712 pts/0    00:00:04 zsh                               
 4412 pts/0    00:00:00 ps                                
 8375 pts/0    00:23:22 emacs                             
$ stty -onlcr                                             
$ ps                                                      
  PID TTY          TIME CMD                               
                            3712 pts/0    00:00:04 zsh    
2 pts/0    00:00:00 ps                                    
                      8375 pts/0    00:23:22 emacs        
           $ man termios                                  
                  ECHO   Echo input characters.           
                 termios also includes a                  
                  built-in TEXT EDITOR —                  
                 termios also includes a                  
                  built-in TEXT EDITOR —                  
               that’s turned on by default!               
  $ man termios                                           
         ICANON Enable canonical mode (described below).  
  $ man termios                                           
         ICANON Enable canonical mode (described below).  
                         $ reset                          
                         $ reset                          
                         man page:                        
                         $ reset                          
                         man page:                        
  “This is useful after a program dies leaving a          
   terminal in an abnormal state.  Note, you may have to  
   type reset (the line-feed character is         
   normally control-J) to get the terminal to work, as    
   carriage-return may no longer work in the abnormal     
                    >>> import termios                    
                    >>> termios.ICANON                    
                    >>> termios.ECHO                      
                 >>> bin(termios.ICANON)                  
                 >>> bin(termios.ECHO)                    
                    Turning flags on:                     
          >>> oflags = termios.tcgetattr(fd)[3]           
          >>> bin(oflags)                                 
          >>> oflags = oflags | termios.ECHO              
          >>> bin(oflags)                                 
                    Turning flags off:                    
           >>> bin(~termios.ECHO + 2**32)                 
           >>> oflags = oflags & ~termios.ECHO            
           >>> bin(oflags)                                
               So, what about the terminal?               
          (your process) ↔  termios ↔  terminal           
           ANSI escape codes: “in-band” signal            
          ESC = '\033'                                    
          HIDE_CURSOR = ESC + '[?25l'                     
          SHOW_CURSOR = ESC + '[?12l' + ESC + '[?25h'     
          GOTO_ORIGIN = ESC + '[H'                        
          FG = ESC + '[38;2;{0[0]};{0[1]};{0[2]}m'        
          BG = ESC + '[48;2;{0[0]};{0[1]};{0[2]}m'        
            Replaces a process with a new one             
        without leaving a dangling parent process         
               zsh$ ps                                    
                 PID TTY          TIME CMD                
                7807 pts/16   00:00:00 zsh                
                7975 pts/16   00:00:00 ps                 
               zsh$ ps                                    
                 PID TTY          TIME CMD                
                7807 pts/16   00:00:00 zsh                
                7975 pts/16   00:00:00 ps                 
               zsh$ exec /bin/bash                        
               zsh$ ps                                    
                 PID TTY          TIME CMD                
                7807 pts/16   00:00:00 zsh                
                7975 pts/16   00:00:00 ps                 
               zsh$ exec /bin/bash                        
               bash$ ps                                   
                 PID TTY          TIME CMD                
                7807 pts/16   00:00:00 bash               
                7993 pts/16   00:00:00 ps                 
      python = ...  # path to correct binary              
      os.execvp(python, [python], next_slide_number)      
      python = ...  # path to correct binary              
      os.execvp(python, [python], next_slide_number)      
     • Each slide can have a different Python version     
      python = ...  # path to correct binary              
      os.execvp(python, [python], next_slide_number)      
     • Each slide can have a different Python version     
     • No need for auto-reload!                           
                   Dictionary stability                   
   def main():                                            
       if os.environ['PYTHONHASHSEED'] != '0':            
           print("You forgot to set PYTHONHASHSEED=0")    
       def main():                                        
           if os.environ['PYTHONHASHSEED'] != '0':        
               cmd = [sys.executable] + sys.argv          
               env = dict(os.environ)                     
               env['PYTHONHASHSEED'] = '0'                
               os.execvpe(sys.executable, cmd, env)       
                     1. Technical                         
                     2. Architectural                     
              How can I store the screen to               
            allow random-access modification?             
              How can I store the screen to               
            allow random-access modification?             
        canvas = [                                        
            [' ', ' ', ' ', ...],    # characters         
            [(1,1,1), (1,1,1), ...], # foreground         
            [(0,0,0), (0,0,0), ...], # background         
        def scrawl(canvas, x, y, text, fg, bg):           
            i = y * WIDTH + x                             
            j = i + len(string)                           
            chars, foreground, background = canvas        
            chars[i:j] = text                             
            fgcolors[i:j] = [fg] * len(string)            
            bgcolors[i:j] = [bg] * len(string)            
       yield GOTO_ORIGIN                                  
       old_fg, old_bg = None, None                        
       for character, fg, bg in zip(*canvas)[:-1]:        
           if fg != ofg:                                  
               yield FG.format(fg)                        
               ofg = fg                                   
           if bg != obg:                                  
               yield BG.format(bg)                        
               obg = bg                                   
           yield character                                
                     How did I write                      
                animations using scrawl()?                
             Animations unfold through time               
           ├─effect 1─┤                                   
                      ├────effect 2────┤                  
                                 ├─effect 3─┤             
           0s         1s         2s         3s            
             Animations unfold through time               
           ├─effect 1─┤                                   
                      ├────effect 2────┤                  
                                 ├─effect 3─┤             
           0s         1s         2s         3s            
          script = [                                      
              [function1],             # frame 1          
              [function1],             # frame 2          
              [function2],             # frame 3          
              [function2, function3],  # frame 4          
              [function2, function3],  # frame 5          
              [function3],             # frame 6          
                    Sample animation:                     
                        is better                         
                        than ugly                         
     def slide_5(script):                                 
         fade_in(script, 0.0, 1.0, 5, 5, 'Beautiful')     
         fade_in(script, 1.0, 1.0, 5, 6, 'is better')     
         fade_in(script, 2.0, 1.0, 5, 7, 'than ugly')     
          script = [                                      
              [function1],             # frame 1          
              [function1],             # frame 2          
              [function2],             # frame 3          
              [function2, function3],  # frame 4          
                 fade_in() needs a callable               
                 to insert into the script                
                         Option 1:                        
                       Bound method                       
class FadeIn(object):                                     
    def __init__(self, script, start, duration, x, y, s): 
        self.duration = duration                          
        self.x = x                                        
        self.y = y                                        
        self.string = s                                   
        end = start + duration                            
        for i in range(int(start * HZ), int(end * HZ)):   
class FadeIn(object):                                     
    def __init__(self, script, start, duration, x, y, s): 
        self.duration = duration                          
        self.x = x                                        
        self.y = y                                        
        self.string = s                                   
        end = start + duration                            
        for i in range(int(start * HZ), int(end * HZ)):   
    def draw(self, t, canvas):  # `t`: time since `start` 
        r = t / self.duration if t < self.duration else 1 
        fg = gray(r)                                      
        scrawl(canvas, self.x, self.y, self.string, fg)   
                        Option 2:                         
                        A closure                         
   def fade_in(script, start, duration, x, y, string):    
       def draw(t, canvas):                               
           r = t / duration if t < duration else 1.0      
           scrawl(canvas, x, y, string, gray(r))          
       end = start + duration                             
       for i in range(int(start * HZ), int(end * HZ)):    
           Problem: what if the text I need to            
          fade is itself produced by a function?          
                def draw_dictionary(...):                 
  def fade_in(script, start, duration, x, y, animation):  
      def draw(t, canvas):                                
          r = t / duration if t < duration else 1.0       
          ... animation(t, canvas) ...                    
      end = start + duration                              
      for i in range(int(start * HZ), int(end * HZ)):     
                  Monkey patch scrawl()?                  
          Monkey patching is software bankruptcy          
          Problem: animations aren’t composable           
                   Crucial observation:                   
            `canvas` is never actually touched            
               by an effect like fade_in()!               
                  Solution: Noun →  Verb                  
         def draw(t, canvas):                             
             scrawl(canvas, 4, 5, 'Hello', blue)          
                  Solution: Noun →  Verb                  
         def draw(t, canvas):                             
             scrawl(canvas, 4, 5, 'Hello', blue)          
         def draw(t, scrawl):                             
             scrawl(4, 5, 'Hello', blue)                  
                    Win: Composability                    
    def fade_in(script, start, duration, animation):      
        def draw(t, scrawl):                              
            def my_scrawl(x, y, text, fg, bg):            
                faded_fg = blend(bg, fg, r)               
                scrawl(x, y, text, faded_fg, bg)          
            r = t / duration if t < duration else 1.0     
            animation(t, my_scrawl)                       
        for i in range(int(start * HZ), len(script)):     
                        PyCon 2017                        
                        PyCon 2017                        
                SO MANY WRAPPER FUNCTIONS                 
└draw(t,scrawl,…)  d_dict(t,scrawl,…)  d_item(t,scrawl,…) 
 │                 │                                      
 └my_scrawl(...)   └my_scrawl(...)                        
                       Let’s trace—                       
 draw(t,scrawl,…)  d_dict(t,scrawl,…)  d_item(t,scrawl,…) 
  my_scrawl(...)    my_scrawl(...)                        
          1. fade_in() call as slide is built             
 draw(t,scrawl,…)  d_dict(t,scrawl,…)  d_item(t,scrawl,…) 
  my_scrawl(...)    my_scrawl(...)                        
               2. draw() to paint a canvas                
 draw(t,scrawl,…)→ d_dict(t,scrawl,…)→ d_item(t,scrawl,…) 
← my_scrawl(...)  ← my_scrawl(...)     ↲                  
                    1. It worked                          
                    1. It worked                          
                    2. I wasn’t happy                     
                   Think about the data                   
                   t=105                t=105             
 draw(t,scrawl,…)→ d_dict(t,scrawl,…)→ d_item(t,scrawl,…) 
← my_scrawl(...)  ← my_scrawl(...)     ↲                  
6,7,'[item]',gray  5,6,'[item]',black  0,1,'item',black   
          Can we create a “good parts” version?           
                   “No-Scrawl” Solution                   
                Restructure to explicitly                 
                defer drawing until later                 
                        New design                        
        `frame`: list [(x, y, text, fg, bg), ...]         
                        New design                        
        `frame`: list [(x, y, text, fg, bg), ...]         
        `animation`: generator that returns frames        
                        is better                         
                        than ugly                         
      def center_text(y, text, fg=black, bg=white):       
          """Center `text` at height `y`."""              
          x = (WIDTH - len(text)) // 2                    
          frame = [(x, y, text, fg, bg)]                  
          while True:                                     
              yield frame                                 
   def fade_in(duration, animation):                      
       """Fade another animation into visibility."""      
       levels = [i / duration for i in range(duration)]   
       for level, frame in zip(levels, animation):        
           yield [                                        
               (x, y, text, blend(bg, fg, level), bg)     
               for (x, y, text, fg, bg) in frame          
     def concat(*args):                                   
         """Run several animations simultaneously."""     
         for frames in zip(*args):                        
             yield [tup for frame in frames               
                        for item in frame]                
 def zen():                                               
     line1 = center_text(5, 'Beautiful')                  
     line2 = center_text(6, 'is better')                  
     line3 = center_text(7, 'than ugly')                  
     yield from fade_in(line1, HZ)                        
     yield from concat(line1, fade_in(line2, HZ))         
     yield from concat(line1, line2, fade_in(line3, HZ))  
     yield next(line1) + next(line2) + next(line3)        
                        is better                         
                        than ugly                         
                   1. Technical: A                        
                   1. Technical: A                        
                   2. Architectural: C-                   
                   1. Technical: A                        
                   2. Architectural: C-                   
            My code wound up more complicated             
         than the problem it was trying to solve          
                  You can give the talk                   
                 “The Clean Architecture”                 
                 at PyCon Ireland in 2014                 
                  You can give the talk                   
                 “The Clean Architecture”                 
                 at PyCon Ireland in 2014                 
                   — and still struggle                   
                   to produce code that                   
                     is shaped enough                     
                      like its data