When Python Practices Go Wrong

code::dive • Wrocław
2019 November 20
Brandon Rhodes
Not Python, but Python practices
First Topic
Compiling new code at runtime
exec statement
eval() function
a = 'abc'
s = '4 + len(a)'


# string → tokens → AST → bytecode → run

Some beginners use eval()
for any dynamic operation
# “I need to get an attribute whose
# name I don’t know until runtime—”

eval('my_object.' + attribute_name)
Many early languages were called “dynamic”
merely because they offered eval()
Python is “dynamic” because
it offers introspection and data-driven
object operations without making
you build strings for eval()
eval('my_object.' + attribute_name)
getattr(my_object, attribute_name)
So we steer new programmers away from eval()
A better mechanism is almost always available
But eval() wound up having
a great future — just not where
we first expected it!
Interesting example in Standard Library
from collections import namedtuple
Point = namedtuple('Point', 'x y z')

p = Point(3.0, 4.0, 5.0)

# How is the new class constructed?
# It uses exec!

_class_template = 'class {typename}...'


exec _class_template.format(...)
A contributor once offered an alternative that
builds the namedtuple class without exec
The core developers turned it down!

• Running the string is faster!
• Easier to get correct
So, templating types was
judged to be a legitimate use
Documentation often
includes sample code
Adding a float and int together 
produces a float as output.     
>>> 15.0 + 1                    
This is also true for multiply.”│
def count_letters(s):
    """Return a dictionary of letter counts.

    >>> count_letters('abba')
    {'a': 2, 'b': 2}

    counts = {}
    for letter in s:
        n = counts.get(letter, 0)
        counts[letter] = n + 1
    return counts
What if we could execute
the code inside documentation?
for line in lines:
   if line.startswith('>>> '):
       expr = line[4:]
       expected = next(lines)
       result = repr(eval(expr, scope))
       if expected != result:
          raise Exception()
Standard Library doctests module

• All the code snippets in a file are coupled
Awkward to make excuses for trying edge cases
Not a good model for real tests

• Great for testing documentation
The greatest success of eval()?


Wound up having only limited use
for application code but very wide
use in the tools we build
around code!
Second topic
Python’s Object Model
Syntax     Dunder Methods

a + b      a.__add__(b)
a - b      a.__sub__(b)
a < b      a.__lt__(b)
repr(a)    a.__repr__()
a.b        a.__getattribute__('b')
a(b)       a.__call__(b)
Let’s look at three dunder methods.
if a: ...
elif a: ...
while a: ...
'yes' if a else 'no'
[a for a in sequence if a]
(a for a in sequence if a)
if False:   if True:
if 0:       if 1:
if 0.0:     if 1.0:
if '':      if 'nonempty string':
if []:      if ['non', 'empty', 'list']:
if {}:      if {'nonempty': 'dict'}:
if None:    if {'non', 'empty', 'set'}:
Programmers love brevity
“For sequences, (strings, lists, tuples),
use the fact that empty sequences are false.”
if len(seq) > 0:

if len(seq) > 0:
if len(seq):

if len(seq) > 0:
if len(seq):
if seq:

Python code
is always in danger
of becoming a
type desert
      ││     ┌┐
    ┌┐││┌┐   ││┌┐
    │└┘│││   │└┘│
    └─┐└┘│   │┌─┘    \|/
      │┌─┘   ││       |
def unfriend(subject, users):
    if not users:
    remove_edges('friend', subject, users)

# Q: What’s the type of “users”?
Because anything can have a __bool__() method,
the object in if statement can be anything

[<User angelica>, <User eliza>]

[<User angelica>, <User eliza>]
['angelica', 'eliza']

[<User angelica>, <User eliza>]
['angelica', 'eliza']
import this
“Explicit is better than implicit.”
if users:
if len(users):  # for a container
if users > 0:   # for an integer
class C:
    def __getattr__(self, name):
        print('Asked for attribute:', name)
        return 5

c = C()
print('c.foo equals', c.foo)

 Asked for attribute: foo
 c.foo equals 5
# Proxy Pattern

class Proxy:
    def __init__(self, target):
        self.target = target

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        return getattr(self.target, name)
# A "mock" test object

class Mock:
    def __init__(self):
        self.calls = []

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        def fake_method(*args):
            self.calls.append((name, args))
        return fake_method
You get an object that records
what methods have been invoked
m = Mock()


assert m.calls == [
    ('open', ('file.txt',)), ('close', ())
from unittest.mock import Mock
def test_layout():
    window = Mock()
    layout_list(['a', 'b'], window)
    assert window.called == [
        ('text', 0, 0, 'a'),
        ('text', 0, 12, 'b'),
Mock encourages tests
that are not really tests
Ideal tests
unit test ↔ A
unit test ↔ B
integration test ↔ A ↔ B

Mocked test
A ↔ Mock()    Mock() ↔ B
My complaints:

Tests start to lose signal
when Mock becomes routine
instead of a reluctant workaround

Docs and blog posts too often focus
on how to use rather than when
The Python syntax f(...)
is an operator named a “call”
f is often a function or method,
but could be any other object instead
class Template:
    def __init__(self, path):
        with open(path) as f:
            self.text = f.read()

    def render(self, **kw):
        return self.text.format(**kw)

t = Template('index.html')
t.render(city='Wrocłow', conf='code::dive')
Programmers love brevity
“I only have one real method.
Does it even need a name?”
class Template:
    def __init__(self, path):
        with open(path) as f:
            self.text = f.read()

    def render(self, **kw):
        return self.text.format(**kw)

t = Template('index.html')
t.render(city='Wrocłow', conf='code::dive')
class Template:
    def __init__(self, path):
        with open(path) as f:
            self.text = f.read()

    def __call__(self, **kw):
        return self.text.format(**kw)

t = Template('index.html')
t(city='Wrocłow', conf='code::dive')
return get_template(args)()()
# build tree of XML element objects
return get_template(args)()()
#      flatten to plain text
I’m sure it felt clever to give
each of those objects a “default verb”
with a __call__() method
But I prefer:
return template.bind(args)()()
return template.bind(args).build().flatten()
But wait!
“But what if an API expects a plain callable?
Then my class definitely needs a __call__() method!”
class Template:
    def __call__(...):

t = Template()
framework(t)  # Needs a callable
So the class needs __call__(), right?
It doesn’t.
class Template:
    def render(...):

t = Template()
framework(t.render)  # Needs a callable

# "t.render" is a "bound method"
Third Topic
Python’s mutability
modules and classes are mutable
import string

string.ascii_letters = ('aąbcćdeęfghijklł'
class C:
    value = 1

C.value = 2
print(v.value)  # prints “2”
class C:
    def method(self):

C.method = lambda self: print('B')

obj = C()
obj.method()  # prints “B”
This resulted in some
predictable mayhem
Programmers dislike repetition
“Don’t Repeat Yourself”
# your_web_app.py

def index_view(request):

def settings_view(request):

def shop_view(request):
“Python global objects are mutable.
Let’s eliminate the repetition!”
# your_web_app.py
from framework import request

def index_view():

def settings_view():

def shop_view():
# The framework loads your module.
name = 'your_web_app'
module = __import__(name)

# Then mutates `request` with HTTP data.
request.method = 'GET'
request.url = '/shop/'
response = getattr(module, 'shop_view')()
This is a bad idea
• Data now enters a function from two directions

• Data now enters a function from two directions
• Tests will have to mutate a global

• Data now enters a function from two directions
• Tests will have to mutate a global
• Threads would overwrite the one request object

• Data now enters a function from two directions
• Tests will have to mutate a global
• Threads would overwrite the one request object
• Async framework will need special knowledge

But can get even worse!
Why import request at all?
# The framework loads your module.
name = 'your_web_app'
module = __import__(name)

# Then injects a global named `request`!
module.request = request_object
Global state

Useful in emergencies,
but should not be used routinely

Gating: experimental feature chosen by data
the routine normally would not have
Another use of mutability:
code that’s about other code

from unittest.mock import patch

with patch('C.method', replacement_method):
   # ...
   # indented block runs with altered method
   # ...
So patch() has become the official
mechanism for testing code that’s
coupled to side effects
   get_books()       fetch()      download()
for isbn in books:
                 url = URL.format(isbn)
                                u = urlopen(url)
                                data = u.read()
                                return data
Q: How much of that code can you
test without triggering real HTTP?
   get_books()       fetch()      download()
for isbn in books:
                 url = URL.format(isbn)
                                u = urlopen(url)
                                data = u.read()
                                return data:
A: None of it!
The code abstracts away the I/O
but fails to actually decouple it
# Best solution is Clean Architecture / Hexagonal

    get_books()       book_urls()    build_url()
urls = book_urls(books)
for url in urls    
    urlopen(url)    for isbn in books:
    data = u.read()     yield build_url(isbn)
                                u = URL.format(isbn)
                                return u
# Second best: patch() only the I/O
# get_books() → fetch() → download() → urlopen()

with patch('urlopen', ...):
    get_books(['ISBN1', 'ISBN2'])
# Worst: disable immediate subroutine
# get_books() → fetch() → download() → urlopen()

args = []
with patch('fetch', args.append):
    get_books(['ISBN1', 'ISBN2'])

assert args == ['ISBN1', 'ISBN2']
Like testing objects with only Mocks,
testing functions with all of their
subroutines patched falls short
of being a real test
And you lose half
the benefit of testing!
Why write tests?

1. Automated alert when code is broken
2. Apply pressure to decouple your code
Good: heavily coupled code is
still testable in Python thanks to patch()

Bad: overuse of patch()
not only makes tests less meaningful,
but ruins what the tests would teach us
about our code’s architecture
One last danger of mutability:
import-time side effects
Python modules are executed
top-to-bottom at import time

Each module starts as a blank slate
and runs its code sequentially
# my_module.py

def f():
    for i in range(3):

for letter in 'aąbcć':
The ability to execute arbitrary code
at import time leads to temptation
1. Configuration lives in Python code.

1. Configuration lives in Python code.
2. Switch to loading config from a file.

1. Configuration lives in Python code.
2. Switch to loading config from a file.
3. Then, config moves inside a database.

1. Configuration lives in Python code.
2. Switch to loading config from a file.
3. Then, config moves inside a database.
4. Then, database port moves to zookeeper.
Result: a module that can't
be imported or tested until
Zookeeper and Postgres are both up
Never start down the road.
Admit no import time side effects!
One last thought
     __init__.py  people keeping putting code here
Worse yet, some __init__.py files
import all their package’s modules
Advice: keep __init__.py empty of code

skyfield — docstring but no code
skyfield.api — imports everything
Final Topic
Object Orientation
from threading import Thread
# Option 1

def task():

t = Thread(target=task)
# Option 2

class MyThread(Thread):
   def run(self):

t = MyThread()
Subclassing Thread

• Two new objects instead of one
• Extra 4 spaces of indentation
• Can’t test task in isolation
Composition — Putting simple things together

Composition — Putting simple things together
Specialization — Making one thing more complicated

Python provides
an extra temptation
toward specialization
Gang of Four book Design Patterns

MSWindow MacWindow LinuxWindow
ListWindow IconWindow ImageWindow
Gang of Four
m×n → Bridge Pattern
Window        Layout
  |              |
MSWindow      ListLayout
MacWindow     IconLayout
LinuxWindow   ImageLayout
# At runtime, two class instances
# are composed together

w = MacWindow()
return IconLayout(w)
Q: m×n → Bridge Pattern → ?
You can use data to couple
code instead of using behavior
layout(metrics, information)
    [Text, Text, Line,
     Box, Line, Text]
Is there any advantage
to coupling with nouns
instead of verbs?
“Show me your flowchart
and conceal your tables,
and I shall continue to be mystified.

Show me your tables,
and I won’t usually need your flowchart;
it’ll be obvious.”

Fred Brooks (1975)
If Fred Brooks was right,
coupling classes with data structures
will be easier to understand than
coupling them with behavior
m×n → Bridge Pattern → Pipeline
m×n → ? → Bridge Pattern → Pipeline
m×nmixins → Bridge Pattern → Pipeline
Let’s look at an early
experiment that still lingers
in the Python Standard Library

crazy times
from socketserver import BaseServer
serve_forever()    API
server_close()     API
shutdown()         API
handle_request()       A
serve_forever()    API
server_activate()      A*
server_bind()          A*
server_close()     API
service_actions()      A*
shutdown()         API
get_request()             B*
handle_request()       A
process_request()         B*
serve_forever()    API
server_activate()      A*
server_bind()          A*
server_close()     API
service_actions()      A*
shutdown()         API
verify_request()          B*
finish_request()             C
get_request()             B*
handle_request()       A
process_request()         B*
serve_forever()    API
server_activate()      A*
server_bind()          A*
server_close()     API
service_actions()      A*
shutdown()         API
verify_request()          B*
finish_request()             C
get_request()             B*
handle_error()                 D*
handle_request()       A
handle_timeout()               D*
process_request()         B*
serve_forever()    API
server_activate()      A*
server_bind()          A*
server_close()     API
service_actions()      A*
shutdown()         API
verify_request()          B*
This single class is in fact
several layers of behavior
finish_request()             C
get_request()             B*
handle_error()                 D*
handle_request()       A
handle_timeout()               D*
process_request()         B*
serve_forever()    API
server_activate()      A*
server_bind()          A*
server_close()     API
service_actions()      A*
shutdown()         API
verify_request()          B*
Why so many behaviors
on a single class?
2 nouns: listening socket, connected socket
2 classes: BaseServer, StreamRequestHandler
If you think of classes
as structs for modeling the world,
you’ll create one class for one noun
instead of for each interface = behavior
Generally, too few classes
You’ll model patterns of behavior
with a dense graph of method calls
instead of clean separate interfaces
You’ll wind up
with one big “multi-storey” class
instead of several sleek single-storey
classes that cooperate together
Bridge Pattern
“abstraction and its implementation
in separate class hierarchies”
“S” in SOLID:

Single Responsibility Principle
“class should have only one reason to change”
Alas, the BaseServer has
many reasons to change!
finish_request()             C
get_request()             B*
handle_error()                 D*
handle_request()       A
handle_timeout()               D*
process_request()         B*
serve_forever()    API
server_activate()      A*
server_bind()          A*
server_close()     API
service_actions()      A*
shutdown()         API
verify_request()          B*
Server            Port       Service
───────────────── ────────── ─────────────────
serve_forever()   bind()     service_actions()
process_request() activate() verify_request()
shutdown()        get()      handle_request()
                  close()    handle_error()
Yes: three different classes
to wrap a single actual resource!
          <Port>  <listening socket>
Q: So, how does the BaseServer class
survive needing to be customized in
different directions at once?
A: Mixins!
# Mixin does not inherit from anything else
class ThreadingMixIn:
    def process_request(self):

# By listing mixin first, its methods get
# priority over those of the other class
class MyService(ThreadingMixIn, BaseServer):

TCPServer     ForkingMixIn
UDPServer  ×  ThreadingMixIn
Mixins let you extend a class
in several directions at the same time
without solving the actual problem:
that the class is too complicated
m×n → Mixins → Bridge Pattern → Pipeline
It’s nearly 2020,
but new Python books are
still recommending mixins
class HybridDetailView(
): ...
Poor architecture is going
to happen despite our best efforts,
so it’s wonderful that Python has powerful
mechanisms for surviving it
But: Mixins too often become
routine instead of an emergency
survival mechanism

Python is a flexible
and powerful language
It’s so powerful that we often
work around poor architecture
without noticing it
A powerful language by itself
is not enough
The ease and power of the Python language need
to be combined with the experience of its community
for healthy long-term software projects
