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Almanac Computation

To help you navigate, here are the topics covered on this page:

Here are the imports and objects that will drive the examples below:

from skyfield import almanac
from skyfield.api import N, S, E, W, load, wgs84

ts = load.timescale()
eph = load('de421.bsp')
sun = eph['Sun']
bluffton = wgs84.latlon(40.8939 * N, 83.8917 * W)
observer = eph['Earth'] + bluffton

Note a distinction:

Beware that almanac computation can be expensive. As almanac routines search backwards and forwards through time for particular circumstances, they have to repeatedly recompute the positions of the Earth and other bodies.

Rounding time to the nearest minute

If you compare almanac results to official sources like the United States Naval Observatory, the printed time will often differ because the Naval Observatory results are rounded to the nearest minute — any time with :30 or more seconds at the end gets rounded up to the next minute.

The Skyfield method utc_strftime() performs this rounding automatically if you don’t ask for the seconds to be displayed:

t = ts.utc(2023, 8, 10, 6, 21, 45.9)

print('Microseconds:', t.utc_strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'))
print('Nearest second:', t.utc_strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
print('Nearest minute:', t.utc_strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'))
Microseconds: 2023-08-10 06:21:45.900000
Nearest second: 2023-08-10 06:21:46
Nearest minute: 2023-08-10 06:22

But beware that the rounding won’t happen automatically if you are doing your own formatting using Python’s built-in datetime objects. For example, if you stop with %M, then the seconds are simply ignored, instead of being used for rounding:

dt = t.utc_datetime()
print(dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'))
2023-08-10 06:21

To fix the problem and round a Python datetime to the nearest minute, try manually adding 30 seconds to the time before displaying it:

from datetime import timedelta

def nearest_minute(dt):
    return (dt + timedelta(seconds=30)).replace(second=0, microsecond=0)

dt = nearest_minute(t.utc_datetime())
print(dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'))
2023-08-10 06:22

The results should then agree with the tables produced by the USNO.

Risings and settings

Skyfield can compute when a given body rises and sets for an observer at the Earth’s surface. The routines are designed for bodies at least as far away as Moon, that rise and set about once a day, so it will be caught off-guard if you pass it something fast like an Earth satellite. For that case, see Finding when a satellite rises and sets.

Sunrise and Sunset

Skyfield uses the official definition of sunrise and sunset from the United States Naval Observatory, which defines them as the moment when the center of the sun is 50 arcminutes below the horizon, to account for both the average solar radius of 16 arcminutes and for roughly 34 arcminutes of atmospheric refraction at the horizon. Here’s how to ask for the sunrises between a given start and end time:

t0 = ts.utc(2018, 9, 12, 4)
t1 = ts.utc(2018, 9, 14, 4)

t, y = almanac.find_risings(observer, sun, t0, t1)
print(t.utc_iso(' '))
['2018-09-12 11:13:12Z', '2018-09-13 11:14:12Z']
[ True  True]

And here’s how to ask for the sunsets:

t, y = almanac.find_settings(observer, sun, t0, t1)
print(t.utc_iso(' '))
['2018-09-12 23:49:38Z', '2018-09-13 23:47:56Z']
[ True  True]

Normally every value in the second array will be True, indicating that a rising or setting was successfully detected. See the next section for an example where the value is False.

Detecting polar day and polar night

In the Arctic and Antarctic, there will be summer days when the sun never sets, and winter days when the sun never rises. On such days the second array returned by the rising and setting routines will have the value False instead of True. The time returned will instead be that of transit, whether that takes place above or below the horizon. For example:

harra_sweden = wgs84.latlon(67.4066 * N, 20.0997 * E)
harra_observer = eph['Earth'] + harra_sweden

t0 = ts.utc(2022, 12, 18)
t1 = ts.utc(2022, 12, 26)
t, y = almanac.find_risings(harra_observer, sun, t0, t1)

alt, az, dist =

for ti, yi, alti in zip(t.utc_iso(' '), y, alt.degrees):
    print('{} {:5} {:.4f}°'.format(ti, str(yi), alti))
2022-12-18 10:22:54Z True  -0.8333°
2022-12-19 10:29:21Z True  -0.8333°
2022-12-20 10:37:06Z False -0.8387°
2022-12-21 10:37:36Z False -0.8464°
2022-12-22 10:38:06Z False -0.8461°
2022-12-23 10:38:36Z False -0.8380°
2022-12-24 10:31:28Z True  -0.8333°
2022-12-25 10:26:08Z True  -0.8333°

This output shows that right around the winter solstice, there are four days on which the Sun never quite reaches the horizon, but is at least a few fractions of a degree below the altitude of -0.8333° that would qualify for the USNO definition of sunrise. So Skyfield instead returns the moment when the Sun is closest to the horizon, with the accompanying value False.

The value False also accompanies a lower transit when the sun is up for an entire 24-hour day and never touches the horizon and sets.

utqiagvik_alaska = wgs84.latlon(71.2906 * N, 156.7886 * W)
utqiagvik_observer = eph['Earth'] + utqiagvik_alaska

t0 = ts.utc(2023, 6, 21)
t1 = ts.utc(2023, 6, 22)
t, y = almanac.find_settings(utqiagvik_observer, sun, t0, t1)

alt, az, dist =

for ti, yi, alti in zip(t.utc_iso(' '), y, alt.degrees):
    print('{} {:5} {:.4f}°'.format(ti, str(yi), alti))
2023-06-21 10:28:55Z False 4.7265°

The Sun at this Alaska location doesn’t reach the horizon on June 21, and so instead of triumphantly returning the time at which the sun reached -0.8333°, Skyfield returns the moment of anti-transit when the Sun was at its lowest and furthest north — standing a full 4.7° above the horizon.

Moonrise and moonset

Skyfield uses the official definition of moonrise and moonset from the United States Naval Observatory: the moment when the top edge of the Moon is exactly 34 arcminutes below the horizon, to correct for atmospheric refraction.

moon = eph['Moon']
t0 = ts.utc(2023, 12, 27)
t1 = ts.utc(2023, 12, 29)

t, y = almanac.find_risings(observer, moon, t0, t1)
print('Moonrises (UTC):', t.utc_iso(' '))

t, y = almanac.find_settings(observer, moon, t0, t1)
print('Moonsets (UTC):', t.utc_iso(' '))
Moonrises (UTC): ['2023-12-27 22:40:11Z', '2023-12-28 23:43:48Z']
Moonsets (UTC): ['2023-12-27 13:54:47Z', '2023-12-28 14:39:33Z']

Read the previous section to learn about the Boolean array y.

Planet rising and setting

The rising and setting routines also work for planets. To account for atmospheric refraction under typical conditions, Skyfield will look for the moment when the center of the planet’s disc is exactly 34 arcminutes below the horizon.

t0 = ts.utc(2020, 2, 1)
t1 = ts.utc(2020, 2, 3)

t, y = almanac.find_risings(observer, eph['Mars'], t0, t1)
print('Mars rises:', t.utc_iso(' '))

t, y = almanac.find_settings(observer, eph['Mars'], t0, t1)
print('Mars sets: ', t.utc_iso(' '))
Mars rises: ['2020-02-01 09:29:16Z', '2020-02-02 09:28:34Z']
Mars sets:  ['2020-02-01 18:42:57Z', '2020-02-02 18:41:41Z']

Read the previous section Detecting polar day and polar night to learn about the Boolean array y.

Computing your own refraction angle

Atmospheric refraction makes bodies at the horizon appear slightly higher than they would be otherwise. That’s why Skyfield doesn’t wait until a body’s altazimuth coordinates have reached 0.0° altitude to proclaim that it has risen. Instead, as explained in the previous sections, Skyfield goes ahead and counts a body as risen as soon as it has reached −0°34′ altitude.

But refraction varies with atmospheric conditions. To supply your own estimate of the altitude of the visible horizon, pass the optional horizon_degrees argument to find_risings() and find_settings() with the target altitude angle you want to use instead.

To help you build an estimate, Skyfield provides a small function that takes an altitude angle, the temperature, and the pressure, and returns a standard United States Naval Observatory estimate for the angle of atmospheric refraction. Here’s an example of how to use it:

from skyfield.earthlib import refraction

r = refraction(0.0, temperature_C=15.0, pressure_mbar=1030.0)
print('Refraction at the horizon: %.2f arcminutes\n' % (r * 60.0))

t, y = almanac.find_risings(observer, eph['Mars'], t0, t1,
print('Mars rises:', t.utc_iso(' '))

t, y = almanac.find_settings(observer, eph['Mars'], t0, t1,
print('Mars sets: ', t.utc_iso(' '))
Refraction at the horizon: 34.53 arcminutes

Mars rises: ['2020-02-01 09:29:13Z', '2020-02-02 09:28:30Z']
Mars sets:  ['2020-02-01 18:43:00Z', '2020-02-02 18:41:45Z']

If you want to account for both atmospheric refraction and also the radius of the target body, then simply supply an even more negative value for horizon_degrees that combines the correction for refraction with the radius of the body’s visible disc in the sky.

Elevated vantage points

Rising and setting predictions usually assume a flat local horizon that does not vary with elevation. Yes, Denver is the Mile High City, but it sees the sun rise against a local horizon that’s also a mile high. Since the city’s high elevation is matched by the high elevation of the terrain around it, the horizon winds up in the same place it would be for a city at sea level.

But sometimes you need to account for a viewpoint’s local prominence above the surrounding terrain. Some observatories, for example, are located on mountaintops that are much higher than the terrain that forms their horizon. And Earth satellites can be hundreds of kilometers above the surface of the Earth that produces their sunrises and sunsets.

You can account for an observer’s prominence above their horizon’s terrain by setting an artificially negative value for horizon_degrees. If we consider the Earth to be approximately a sphere, then we can use a bit of trigonometry to estimate the position of the horizon for an observer at altitude:

from numpy import arccos
from skyfield.units import Angle

# When does the Sun rise in the ionosphere’s F-layer, 300km up?

altitude_m = 300e3
earth_radius_m = 6378136.6
side_over_hypotenuse = earth_radius_m / (earth_radius_m + altitude_m)
h = Angle(radians = -arccos(side_over_hypotenuse))
print('The horizon from 300km up is at %.2f degrees' % h.degrees)

solar_radius_degrees = 0.25
t, y = almanac.find_risings(
    observer, sun, t0, t1,
    horizon_degrees=h.degrees - solar_radius_degrees,
print('At', t[0].utc_iso(' '), 'the limb of the Sun crests the horizon')
The horizon from 300km up is at -17.24 degrees
At 2020-02-01 11:14:57Z the limb of the Sun crests the horizon

Beware a possible source of confusion: some people use the word altitude for a geographic site’s elevation in meters above sea level. And other people — primarily Earth satellite folks — use the term elevation for degrees above or below the horizon, which Skyfield instead calls altitude (because that’s what the syllable alt- stands for in the name altazimuth coordinate system).

When a right ascension and declination rises and sets

If you are interested in finding the times when a fixed point in the sky rises and sets, simply create a star object with the coordinates of the position you are interested in (see Stars and Distant Objects) and then call the routines described above. Here, for example, is the rising time for the Galactic Center:

from skyfield.api import Star

galactic_center = Star(ra_hours=(17, 45, 40.04),
                       dec_degrees=(-29, 0, 28.1))

t, y = almanac.find_risings(observer, galactic_center, t0, t1)
print('The Galactic Center rises at', t[0].utc_iso(' '))
The Galactic Center rises at 2020-02-01 10:29:00Z

The Seasons

Create a start time and an end time to ask for all of the equinoxes and solstices that fall in between.

t0 = ts.utc(2018, 1, 1)
t1 = ts.utc(2018, 12, 31)
t, y = almanac.find_discrete(t0, t1, almanac.seasons(eph))

for yi, ti in zip(y, t):
    print(yi, almanac.SEASON_EVENTS[yi], ti.utc_iso(' '))
0 Vernal Equinox 2018-03-20 16:15:27Z
1 Summer Solstice 2018-06-21 10:07:18Z
2 Autumnal Equinox 2018-09-23 01:54:06Z
3 Winter Solstice 2018-12-21 22:22:44Z

The result t will be an array of times, and y will be 0 through 3 for the Vernal Equinox through the Winter Solstice.

If you or some of your users live in the Southern Hemisphere, you can use the SEASON_EVENTS_NEUTRAL array. Instead of naming specific seasons, it names the equinoxes and solstices by the month in which they occur — so the March Equinox, for example, is followed by the June Solstice.

Phases of the Moon

The phases of the Moon are the same for everyone on Earth, so you don’t need to specify the longitude and latitude of your location. Simply ask for the current phase of the Moon. The return value is an angle where 0° is New Moon, 90° is First Quarter, 180° is Full Moon, and 270° is Last Quarter:

t = ts.utc(2020, 11, 19)
phase = almanac.moon_phase(eph, t)
print('Moon phase: {:.1f} degrees'.format(phase.degrees))
Moon phase: 51.3 degrees

Or you can have Skyfield search over a range of dates for the moments when the Moon reaches First Quarter, Full Moon, Last Quarter, and New Moon:

t0 = ts.utc(2018, 9, 1)
t1 = ts.utc(2018, 9, 10)
t, y = almanac.find_discrete(t0, t1, almanac.moon_phases(eph))

print([almanac.MOON_PHASES[yi] for yi in y])
['2018-09-03T02:37:24Z', '2018-09-09T18:01:28Z']
[3 0]
['Last Quarter', 'New Moon']

The result t will be an array of times, and y will be a corresponding array of Moon phases with 0 for New Moon and 3 for Last Quarter. You can use the array MOON_PHASES to retrieve names for each phase.

Lunar Nodes

The Moon’s ascending node and descending node are the moments each lunar month when the Moon crosses the plane of Earth’s orbit and eclipses are possible.

t0 = ts.utc(2020, 4, 22)
t1 = ts.utc(2020, 5, 22)
t, y = almanac.find_discrete(t0, t1, almanac.moon_nodes(eph))

print([almanac.MOON_NODES[yi] for yi in y])
['2020-04-27T17:54:17Z', '2020-05-10T09:01:42Z']
[1 0]
['ascending', 'descending']

Opposition and Conjunction

The moment at which a planet is in opposition with the Sun or in conjunction with the Sun is when their ecliptic longitudes are at 0° or 180° difference.

t0 = ts.utc(2019, 1, 1)
t1 = ts.utc(2021, 1, 1)
f = almanac.oppositions_conjunctions(eph, eph['mars'])
t, y = almanac.find_discrete(t0, t1, f)

['2019-09-02T10:42:26Z', '2020-10-13T23:25:55Z']
[0 1]

The result t will be an array of times, and y will be an array of integers indicating which half of the sky the body has just entered: 0 means the half of the sky west of the Sun along the ecliptic, and 1 means the half of the sky east of the Sun. This means different things for different bodies:

Meridian Transits

Every day the Earth’s rotation swings the sky through nearly 360°, leaving the celestial poles stationary while bringing each star and planet in turn across your meridian — the line of right ascension in the sky above you that runs from the South Pole to the North Pole through your local zenith.

You can ask Skyfield for the times at which a body crosses your meridian:

t0 = ts.utc(2020, 11, 6)
t1 = ts.utc(2020, 11, 8)
t = almanac.find_transits(observer, eph['Mars'], t0, t1)

print(t.utc_strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'))
['2020-11-06 03:32', '2020-11-07 03:28']

Observers often think of transit as the moment when an object is highest in the sky, but that’s only roughly true. At very high precision, if the body has any north or south velocity then its moment of highest altitude will be slightly earlier or later.

Bodies near the poles are exceptions to the general rule that a body is visible at transit but below the horizon at antitransit. For a body that’s circumpolar from your location, transit and antitransit are both moments of visibility, when it stands above and below the pole. And objects close to the opposite pole will always be below the horizon, even as they invisibly transit your line of longitude down below your horizon.

Legacy transit routine

Skyfield has an older mechanism for detecting transits that isn’t as fast as the function described in the previous section, but it also returns the moments of anti-transit, when a body crosses the line of right ascension that crosses your local nadir:

t0 = ts.utc(2020, 11, 6)
t1 = ts.utc(2020, 11, 7)
f = almanac.meridian_transits(eph, eph['Mars'], bluffton)
t, y = almanac.find_discrete(t0, t1, f)

print(t.utc_strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'))
print([almanac.MERIDIAN_TRANSITS[yi] for yi in y])
['2020-11-06 03:32', '2020-11-06 15:30']
[1 0]
['Meridian transit', 'Antimeridian transit']

Some astronomers call these moments “upper culmination” and “lower culmination” instead.

Legacy rising and setting routines

In case you are maintaining older code, versions of Skyfield before 1.47 could only compute sunrises and sunsets with a routine that was much slower than the functions described above. It also tended to miss sunrises and sunsets in the Arctic and Antarctic. Here’s how it was called:

f = almanac.sunrise_sunset(eph, bluffton)
t, y = almanac.find_discrete(t0, t1, f)

['2020-11-06T12:12:46Z', '2020-11-06T22:25:10Z']
[1 0]

The result t will be an array of times, and y will be 1 if the sun rises at the corresponding time and 0 if it sets.

Another old routine risings_and_settings() worked the same way, but for general targets like planets.

f = almanac.risings_and_settings(eph, eph['Mars'], bluffton)
t, y = almanac.find_discrete(t0, t1, f)

['2020-11-06T09:50:55Z', '2020-11-06T21:08:55Z']
[0 1]


The routine dark_twilight_day() returns a separate code for each of the phases of twilight:

  1. Dark of night.
  2. Astronomical twilight.
  3. Nautical twilight.
  4. Civil twilight.
  5. Daytime.

You can find a full example of its use at the When will it get dark tonight?.

Solar terms

The solar terms are widely used in East Asian calendars.

from skyfield import almanac_east_asia as almanac_ea

t0 = ts.utc(2019, 12, 1)
t1 = ts.utc(2019, 12, 31)
t, tm = almanac.find_discrete(t0, t1, almanac_ea.solar_terms(eph))

for tmi, ti in zip(tm, t):
    print(tmi, almanac_ea.SOLAR_TERMS_ZHS[tmi], ti.utc_iso(' '))
17 大雪 2019-12-07 10:18:28Z
18 冬至 2019-12-22 04:19:26Z

The result t will be an array of times, and y will be integers in the range 0–23 which are each the index of a solar term. Localized names for the solar terms in different East Asia languages are provided as SOLAR_TERMS_JP for Japanese, SOLAR_TERMS_VN for Vietnamese, SOLAR_TERMS_ZHT for Traditional Chinese, and (as shown above) SOLAR_TERMS_ZHS for Simplified Chinese.

Lunar eclipses

Skyfield can find the dates of lunar eclipses.

from skyfield import eclipselib

t0 = ts.utc(2019, 1, 1)
t1 = ts.utc(2020, 1, 1)
t, y, details = eclipselib.lunar_eclipses(t0, t1, eph)

for ti, yi in zip(t, y):
    print(ti.utc_strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'),
2019-01-21 05:12 y=2 Total
2019-07-16 21:31 y=1 Partial

Note that any eclipse forecast is forced to make arbitrary distinctions when eclipses fall very close to the boundary between the categories “partial”, “penumbral”, and “total”. Skyfield searches for lunar eclipses using the techniques described in the Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac. Here is its current behavior:

To help you study each eclipse in greater detail, Skyfield returns a details dictionary of extra arrays that provide the dimensions of the Moon and of the Earth’s shadow at the height of the eclipse. The means of each field is hopefully self-explanatory; if any of the terms is unfamiliar, try looking it up online.

for name, values in sorted(details.items()):
    print(f'{name:24}  {values}')
closest_approach_radians  [0.00657921 0.01029097]
moon_radius_radians       [0.00485608 0.00435481]
penumbra_radius_radians   [0.02278213 0.02077108]
penumbral_magnitude       [2.16831186 1.70327942]
umbra_radius_radians      [0.01332129 0.01161176]
umbral_magnitude          [1.19418911 0.65164729]

The first element in each of these sequences corresponds to the first eclipse we discovered above, on 2019-01-21, while the second element belongs to the eclipse on 2019-07-16.

By combining these dimensions with the position of the Moon at the height of the eclipse (which you can generate using Skyfield’s usual approach to computing a position), you should be able to produce a detailed diagram of each eclipse.

For a review of the parameters that differ between eclipse forecasts, see NASA’s Enlargement of Earth’s shadows page on their Five Millennium Canon site. If you need lunar eclipse forecasts generated by a very specific set of parameters, try cutting and pasting Skyfield’s lunar_eclipses() function into your own code and making your adjustments there — you will have complete control of the outcome, and your application will be immune to any tweaking that takes place in Skyfield in the future if it’s found that Skyfield’s eclipse accuracy can become even better.