Date: | 14 June 2012 |
Tags: | computing |
As Ian Bicking himself once observed, the process of deploying an application to Heroku can be quite costly when measured in commits. Your Git history can become littered with dozens of tiny changes as you adjust your application so that everything — your database, authenticated memcache, remote logs — finally starts to function smoothly inside of the Heroku sandbox.
The Heroku deployment process itself can be quite valuable. Just like the discipline of writing tests tends to reveal whether code is tightly coupled, your first deploy to Heroku can reveal all sorts of ways in which you were relying on a persistent filesystem without quite admitting it to yourself. Sure, you knew that in theory an EC2 instance could disappear at any moment, but not until moving to a scorched-earth form of deployment — that wipes out temporary files on every code update — are you really forced to face the question of whether your application can periodically wake up in a fresh sandbox without skipping a beat.
But, as Ian says, Heroku deployment can lead to a dozen successive commits that all say “another try at parsing the database URL correctly” because the only way to test your one-character change is to commit and push.
Perusal of the Git documentation convinced me that there was a way around the Heroku version-control dilemma. Because Git is a rowdy steampunk agglomeration of switches and levers, and not a clean and elegant permanent history fortress like Mercurial, it offers all sorts of convenient ways to quickly destroy inconvenient history.
My first experiment — which of course I inflicted on the development instance of my app, not the Heroku app that runs it in production! — went something like this:
# Messy first experiment
$ git ci . -m 'adjusted database parameters'
$ git push heroku master
# Did some editing
$ git ci . -m 'more adjusting'
$ git push heroku master
# Did some more editing
$ git ci . -m 'even more adjusting'
$ git push heroku master
# The deploy finally worked!
# Time to back out all three commits
$ git reset --soft HEAD~3
$ git push heroku master --force
Now I am back where I had started, as if none of the three commits has ever happened. More importantly, my repository on Heroku is also rewound so that Git will not become confused the next time I try to push.
A quick git diff confirms that the changes I was experimenting with are still present on my filesystem. I can now make a single “good” commit of a complete solution, instead of having to preserve every misstep along the way.
But, of course, it is dangerous to construct an expression like HEAD~3 and hope that I have correctly counted back to the most recent commit that I want to keep.
So I will recommend two safeguards. First, never let your repository get more than one commit ahead of the “real” most recent version. Second, use a simple shell script to automate your Heroku configuration trials so that you minimize the chance of human error. For example, you might try:
# Temporarily test our current edits on Heroku
set -e
git ci . -m 'Heroku temporary commit'
git push heroku master --force
echo "Press Enter once you have tested the app on Heroku"
git reset --soft HEAD~1
git push heroku master --force
echo "Okay, the app is restored to where it was before"
I can run this script over and over again without advancing my true version history by a single commit, gradually honing in on the correct parameters and syntax for talking to crazy Heroku SSL-authenticated memcache (or whatever). Once it works, I do the real commit by hand and push the result up to GitHub as a keeper.
Note that, as a matter of routine, I add --force to every Heroku push in my shell scripts. This is because I never use Heroku to store my repository of record, since repositories there disappear as soon as I need to delete a particular app and start over again. Since I consider the Git history on Heroku to be throwaway — unlike the history on my disk and at GitHub — I have no qualms about always forcing Heroku's copy to update itself to exactly what I have on my laptop.
Heroku's use of Git as its deployment mechanism presents another dilemma: how do you handle files that do not need to be kept under version control — they are simply derived from other files in your repository — but that are difficult to build in the Heroku sandbox? Three separate issues are involved.
Happily, there is an easy solution. We use the discussion above as a guide for making a temporary commit to Heroku, but this time we leave the commit there as our final running production version of the app.
Of course, I automate the process with a shell script. The details will vary with project, but a deploy script might look roughly like this:
# project/bin/
# Build everything and deploy this app to Heroku
set -e
# Change to the project root directory
cd "$(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})"
cd ..
# Build
bin/compass compile
bin/uglifyjs scripts/app.js > scripts/app.min.js
# Temporarily add the generated files to version control
# (-f says "even though this file is in .gitignore")
git add -f styles/app.css
git add -f scripts/app.min.js
# Push them to Heroku, then repent of the commit
git ci . -m 'Temporary Heroku-only deployment commit'
git push heroku master --force
git reset --soft HEAD~1
# Un-stage the generated files to finish
git reset HEAD -f styles/app.css
git reset HEAD -f scripts/app.min.js
This can be especially fun if you are using the Static Sites on Heroku Cedar methodology pioneered by Kenneth Reitz. Your site will be completely static, with no code running at all in production, so an approach like this is your only chance to throw in generated content as you deploy.
This last shell script does not play well with other changes that you might have left sitting around in your working directory — your git st output should be clean before you set the script in motion.
Please note that history-altering strategies like this can be dangerous, and should only be undertaken if you thoroughly understand the Git commands that are involved. Do experiments with a temporary checkout of your project before convincing yourself that this methodology will work with your own particular application and Heroku account. But if these strategies work for you, then they should remove some of the pain of using a version control system to do deployment!