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A Descriptor-Constructor in Python

So here’s an API innovation that I just made a rough implementation of: taking a Python data descriptor and enhancing it so that, when it’s invoked on the class itself, it becomes a constructor and returns a new instance of the class.

Does that sound like a good idea?

After you’ve read the saga below, feel free to share your opinion by replying to my tweet about this post!

The background is that my astronomy library Skyfield uses objects to represent measures like distance and velocity. I could have used two separate objects to represent a distance measured as au (astronomical units) and a distance measured as km, but I prefer not to have several objects represent one single thing. It seems cleaner to me to have but a single object for each particular distance that Skyfield needs to represent, and to have that object different offer units as different attributes (which also helps readability by making users name the unit they’re asking the Distance for):

AU_KM = 149597870.700

class Distance:
    def __init__(self, au=None, km=None):
        if au is not None:
   = au
        elif km is not None:
   = km / AU_KM

    def km(self):
        return * AU_KM

d = Distance(km=217)
au: 1.4505554055322529e-06
km: 217.00000000000003

At least that’s how I implemented it back in 2014. In retrospect I’m not happy with how __init__() works. To my eyes today it looks wasteful: only one of the several arguments is ever used, and the if…elif has to search through them every time, even though only one will ever be non-None.

Side note — I felt so bad about this __init__() code that Skyfield’s Distance class provides a second, redundant constructor for au:

    def from_au(cls, au):
        self = cls.__new__(cls)  # avoid calling __init__() = au
        return self

You’ll recognize this pivot as a modern design pattern that I discuss on my Python Patterns site: instead of providing one huge method with a big if…elif inside that decides what it should do, simply have n smaller methods that each do one thing well.


Another problem with the example code above is that .km needs to be computed over and over again every time the user needs it. In a loop, that could become expensive: a Skyfield distance isn’t always a simple float, it can be a whole NumPy array of a million elements.

At first I avoided recomputing it by using one of those unwieldy if self._km is None: caching checks inside of each unit’s property, but then I remembered that Python descriptors were very carefully designed so that you could write a descriptor that only gets called if there isn’t yet a .km attribute! Otherwise Python skips the whole method call, which both makes the logic simpler and saves valuable time. I never remember the formula, so I had to look it up (I got it from Pyramid’s source code):

from functools import update_wrapper

class reify(object):
    def __init__(self, method):
        self.method = method
        update_wrapper(self, method)

    def __get__(self, instance, objtype=None):
        if instance is None:
            return self
        value = self.method(instance)
        instance.__dict__[self.__name__] = value
        return value

I never quite remember what all its code is doing, but it works great!

class Distance:
    def __init__(self, au=None, km=None):
        if au is not None:
   = au
        elif km is not None:
   = km
   = km / AU_KM

    def km(self):
        return * AU_KM

d = Distance(au=1.524)
d = Distance(km=217)
au: 1.524
km: 227987154.9468

au: 1.4505554055322529e-06
km: 217

When we use @reify to turn .km into a real attribute like this, that we can assign to, we get an extra benefit: when a distance is instantiated using km, we can cache the actual value that the user provided! Note that we are now returning the exact km value the user provided, instead of trying to re-convert the value from au and getting the slight rounding error we saw in the first example: km is now 217 instead of 217.00000000000003.

But how can we avoid the ugly if…elif block, and the need to have __init__() accept as many parameters as there are units of measurement?

I already illustrated, above, a from_au() method that does things the ‘right way’ by multiplexing on method name rather than on combinations of arguments. Is that the way forward, adding something like from_km() for each additional unit supported? That way forward still seems a little sad: if I need to support n units, then I need to write n constructors in addition to my n reified properties, and keep them all in sync with each other.

Could there be a better way?

Like a sudden blaze of light, a possible constructor syntax occurred to me:

d =

Wow! Could it work? Could a @reify descriptor be taught to respond to a class-method-like call and return a newly constructed instance? What even happens when that syntax is invoked?

except Exception as e:
'reify' object is not callable

A bit of testing revealed that calling the reify descriptor like a function does something very Pythonic and obvious: it runs its __call__() method if it has one. Simple enough! Let’s write a better reify:

class unit(object):
    def __init__(self, method):
        self.method = method
        update_wrapper(self, method)

    def __get__(self, instance, objtype=None):
        if instance is None:
            return self
        value = self.method(instance)
        instance.__dict__[self.__name__] = value
        return value

    # New code:

    def __call__(self, *args):
        print('type(self):', type(self))
        print('args:', args)

class Distance:
    # ...
    def km(self):
        return * AU_KM
type(self): <class 'tmp.test_code_214_output_243.<locals>.unit'>
args: (217,)

It worked! Our new extended descriptor is starting to gain a superpower beyond what @reify itself could do: it supports being called like a method of the class itself. Can we turn it into a constructor?

Well, let’s see what else the constructor will need.

It will need to know the name of the attribute to set on the new instance. That’s easy enough: it can ask for the __name__ of the method, and it will learn that it’s named km. What about learning the conversation factor that it needs to use? We don’t currently have a way to provide it. Maybe the decorator should take an argument — which is conventionally accomplished in Python by turning the decorator into a closure that returns an inner function.

Oh, dear, this is going to be a bit ugly, isn’t it? Let’s just get it working and maybe we can simplify later.

def unit(conversion_factor):
    def wrap(method):
        name = method.__name__

        class unit_descriptor(object):
            # These methods are the same as before:

            def __init__(self, method):
                self.method = method
                update_wrapper(self, method)

            def __get__(self, instance, objtype=None):
                if instance is None:
                    return self
                value = self.method(instance)
                instance.__dict__[self.__name__] = value
                return value

            # This is improved:

            def __call__(self, value):
                print('name:', name)
                print('conversion_factor:', conversion_factor)
                print('value:', value)

        return unit_descriptor(method)
    return wrap

class Distance:
    # ...
    def km(self):
        return * AU_KM
name: km
conversion_factor: 149597870.7
value: 217

Success! The __call__() now knows what attribute it should set and what conversion factor it should apply. Yes, I dislike creating classes inside of functions inside of other functions. But let’s see if we can get it working before we worry about elegance. It feels like time to write up some actual constructor code and see if we can get a Distance instance returned back to us.

Well — drat.

How will __call__() know what class to build?

I could of course hard-code Distance as the class to build, but I was hoping that a single descriptor could support all of my classes, including Velocity and Angle. It would be better if unit could auto-discover that Distance was the class it was being asked to build. But, alas, it doesn’t know its class! Remember that the self argument to __call__(), as you might have noticed in the earlier example, is the unit descriptor instance itself — which makes sense, but doesn’t help me discover which class this unit descriptor is attached to.

And here we run into a quirk of Python: methods don’t know which class they belong to. And decorators don’t have a way to get to the class either — the class object doesn’t even exist yet as the class’s namespace itself is running.

One common solution is to do post-processing on the class. Then you can loop over its attributes, figure out which ones are unit descriptors, and give them each an extra attribute, like _my_class, that tells them what class they belong to.

There are several well-known ways to post-process a Python class.

But then there would be a subtle problem. Though it would probably never come up, it’s technically incorrect for km() to always return a Distance, because someone could subclass Distance and then the km() constructor, if called on their subclass, really ought to return an instance of that subclass instead.

And — those approaches just feel complicated compared to what we’re trying to do. Is it really impossible for __call__() to learn its class?

So I dug around a bit. I added print() statements in a variety of places.

And discovered a solution!

To my vast surprise, it turns out that the method call:

— goes through, not one, but two of the methods defined on the unit_descriptor! The steps Python take turn out to be:

  1. Distance — look up the object.
  2. .km — Grab the km attribute.
  3. Oh, wait! It’s a descriptor! So Python auto-invokes __get__(None, Distance) and the resulting object is considered the actual value of the attribute.
  4. () — Finally, Python invokes that object’s __call__() method.

And while the knowledge ‘which class was this called on’ has evaporated by the time __call__() is invoked, it’s available inside the ‘get’ dunder!

Recall that at this point we’re using a __get__() method that I copied-and-pasted from the Internet without actually understanding what it does. Let’s look at it again — this time, pay attention to its first two lines:

            def __get__(self, instance, objtype=None):
                if instance is None:
                    return self
                value = self.method(instance)
                instance.__dict__[self.__name__] = value
                return value

Yeah, I didn’t understand them at first either. Why would instance be None? Well, it turns out, that’s what tells the descriptor that you, instead of asking for an instance attribute, have asked for a class attribute And it just so happens that in that case, objtype is Distance!

So we can get rid of __call__() entirely! We didn’t know it, but it turns out that we were already intercepting the class method — we just weren’t doing anything interesting yet. Let’s fix that:

from functools import partial

def unit(conversion_factor, core_unit):
    def wrap(method):
        name = method.__name__

        class unit_descriptor(object):
            def __init__(self, method): # Same as before
                self.method = method
                update_wrapper(self, method)

            def __get__(self, instance, objtype=None):
                if instance is None:    # New behavior:
                    return partial(constructor, objtype)
                value = self.method(instance)
                instance.__dict__[self.__name__] = value
                return value

        # New way to build a Distance:

        def constructor(cls, value):
            obj = cls.__new__(cls)      # Make a new Distance
            setattr(obj, name, value)   # “Set .km to 217”
            if conversion_factor is not None:  # And set “.au”
                value = value / conversion_factor
                setattr(obj, core_unit, value)
            return obj

        return unit_descriptor(method)
    return wrap

class Distance:
    # ...
    @unit(AU_KM, 'au')
    def km(self):
        return * AU_KM

d =
au: 1.4505554055322529e-06
km: 217

Amazing! It works!

To avoid having to tell constructor() too many new facts, we go ahead and embed it inside the closure so that it can get values like conversion_factor and core_unit for free. The only thing it’s missing is the class it’s supposed to build, whether that’s Distance or Velocity, but we can provide that easily enough using a partial — creating, in essence, a little hand-made bound method that already knows its first argument.

(Yes, I could have instead used some black magic from Stack Overflow to create a real bound method. No, I am not in the least tempted to do so.)

The mission is now accomplished!

But code is kind of ugly: we’re building an inner class, inside of a function, inside of another function.

A final simplification fell out when I noticed that we were having to state twice, redundantly, the name of the unit and how to perform its conversion. Remember that the method we’re decorating still looks like this:

    @unit(AU_KM, 'au')
    def km(self):
        return * AU_KM

Why mention au and AU_KM twice? That’s the kind of thing a descriptor is supposed to take care of for us! So let’s abandon the complexity of wrapping a method, abandon the need to have a closure, and refactor back to a plain descriptor:

class unit(object):
    def __init__(self, name, conversion_factor=None, core_unit=None): = name
        self.conversion_factor = conversion_factor
        self.core_unit = core_unit

    def __get__(self, instance, objtype=None):
        if instance is None:  # If called as a class method:
            def constructor(value):  # (same as above)
                obj = objtype.__new__(objtype)
                setattr(obj,, value)
                conversion_factor = self.conversion_factor
                if conversion_factor is not None:
                    value = value / conversion_factor
                    setattr(obj, self.core_unit, value)
                return obj
            return constructor
        value = getattr(instance, self.core_unit)
        value = value * self.conversion_factor
        instance.__dict__[] = value
        return value

class Distance:
    au = unit('au')
    km = unit('km', AU_KM, 'au')

d =
d =
au: 1.524
km: 227987154.9468

au: 1.4505554055322529e-06
km: 217

Well. What do you think?

Will I regret this later if I push this to production?

Again, replies to my tweet are welcome!
