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Skyfield stores the locations of celestial bodies as (x,y,z) vectors that it calls positions. There are several kinds of celestial object for which Skyfield can produce a position. If there’s a particular kind of object you’re interested in, you might want to read its documentation first, then return here when you’re ready to learn more about the position objects that they generate:
You can also build a position object yourself by providing (x,y,z) coordinates to a position class:
from skyfield.positionlib import Barycentric
x = 3141.0
y = 2718.0
z = 5820.0
barycentric = Barycentric([x, y, z])
This document focuses on what you can do with positions once they’ve been computed, and on how position objects are used in Skyfield code.
For a succinct catalog of the attributes and methods offered by Skyfield’s position classes, follow these links to the API documentation.
All the attributes and methods of the core Skyfield position classes.
Skyfield’s distance, velocity, and angle classes,
which offer simple attributes like km
but also fancy methods like dstr()
that formats an angle as degrees, minutes, and seconds.
Even though Skyfield scripts often produce output in spherical coordinates — like right ascension and declination, or altitude and azimuth — Skyfield always stores positions internally as Cartesian (x,y,z) vectors oriented along the axes of the International Celestial Reference System (ICRS).
The ICRS is a higher-accuracy replacement for the old J2000 reference system. It’s defined using the positions of very distant quasars, so its precision can improve each decade as radio telescopes measure quasar positions ever more accurately.
If you want to interact directly with ICRS (x,y,z) coordinates, here is where its axes point:
The ICRS axes are within 0.02 arcseconds of the old J2000 axes, so many scripts simply treat J2000 coordinates as modern ICRS coordinates.
The most common calculations in Skyfield produce a succession of three (x,y,z) positions, one for the observer and two for the body being observed. The three positions can be hard to find in Skyfield code because they are often created and used without ever being given a name. As an example, let’s use an ephemeris to compute a geocentric position for Mars:
from skyfield.api import load
ts = load.timescale()
t = ts.utc(1980, 1, 1)
planets = load('de421.bsp')
earth, mars = planets['earth'], planets['mars']
# Three positions in a single line of code!
d =
print('Mars is {:.2f} au from Earth'.format(
Mars is 0.97 au from Earth
By chaining together four different methods,
the line that computes the distance d = …
creates and discards three different Skyfield positions
in a single line of code!
To learn about them,
the beginner will probably need to slow up and re-write that line
so each object is assigned a separate name:
# The “d =” line from the previous example,
# rewritten to give each position a name.
barycentric =
astrometric = barycentric.observe(mars)
apparent = astrometric.apparent()
d = apparent.distance()
This is a common Python pattern. By assigning names to intermediate values, the programmer — without changing the code’s result — can pivot between succinct code that fits on a single line and more verbose code that names each intermediate value.
Now that we’ve given them names, we can discuss the three positions:
A Barycentric
measures from the Solar System’s center of mass.
This places its (x,y,z) vector
in the Barycentric Celestial Reference System (BCRS) —
a frame of reference that’s inertial enough
to support the observe()
You’ll usually start a Skyfield script by generating a barycentric position for the center from which you’ll be observing — whether that’s the Earth, or a specific location on the Earth’s surface, or another body like a satellite, planet, or moon.
An Astrometric
is returned by the Barycentric.observe()
method which,
given a target you want to observe,
applies the effect of light travel time.
For example,
on Earth we see the Moon where it was about 1.3 seconds ago,
the Sun where it was 8 minutes ago,
Jupiter where it was more than half an hour ago,
and Neptune where it was about 4 hours ago.
An Apparent
position is computed
by calling the Astrometric.apparent()
This applies two real-world effects
that slightly shift everything in the sky:
the aberration of light
produced by the observer’s own motion through space,
and the gravitational deflection of light
that passes close to masses like the Sun and Jupiter —
and, for an observer on the Earth’s surface,
for deflection produced by the Earth’s own gravity.
The result is an “apparent” position
telling you where the target will really “appear” in tonight’s sky;
it’s the direction you should point your telescope.
When an apparent position is measured from the Earth’s center, it can be described more formally as an (x,y,z) position in Geocentric Celestial Reference System (GCRS) coordinates.
Five basic attributes are available on each position:
.xyz |
An (x,y,z) Distance . |
.velocity |
An (x,y,z) Velocity , or None . |
.t |
The Time of the position, or None . |
.center |
Body the vector is measured from. |
.target |
Body the vector is measured to. |
The first three attributes listed above are simple instances of Skyfield’s distance, velocity, and time classes, which you can learn more about by clicking on their class names. They support operations like:
print('Earth x,y,z:',, 'au')
print('Mars relative velocity:', astrometric.velocity.km_per_s, 'km/s')
print('Time of observation:', apparent.t.utc_strftime())
Earth x,y,z: [-0.16287311 0.88787399 0.38473904] au
Mars relative velocity: [12.66638873 -8.12551301 -3.38356109] km/s
Time of observation: 1980-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Note that the distance unit attributes
like au
and km
and the velocity unit attributes
like au_per_d
and km_per_s
are each three-element NumPy arrays offering (x,y,z) coordinates.
If the times you’re using are Date arrays,
then the distance and velocity will each have an additional dimension
offering as many (x,y,z) coordinates as there are dates in your array.
The .center
and .target
attributes require a bit more explanation.
They specify the origin and destination of the vector,
and are displayed if you ask Python to print the vector:
<Apparent GCRS position and velocity at date t center=399 target=499>
In this case our positions were generated from a JPL ephemeris file,
so the center and target are the simple integers
indicating the Earth and 499
indicating Mars.
If instead the center or target were defined by a Skyfield object
like an Earth satellite or latitude-longitude position,
then the .center
and .target
will be those Skyfield objects themselves.
The most popular coordinate system for star catalogs treats the night sky as a slowly spinning globe that we view from the inside. Just as we specify position on the Earth’s globe by degrees longitude that you would travel along the equator and then degrees latitude that you would travel north or south, coordinates in the sky are measured by two angles. These are called “equatorial coordinates” since they are measured with respect to the equator.
Right ascension (“RA”) is the sky’s equivalent of longitude, and is measured east along the celestial equator. Since the sky makes roughly one complete turn every day, RA is usually expressed in units of 24 hours rather than 360 degrees. This supports casual inferences, like the fact that a star with an RA of 3h will climb to your meridian one hour later than a star with an RA of 2h.
This coordinate presented astronomers with the same challenge that longitude presented geographers: the arbitrary choice of a starting point. In the case of longitude, we measure east and west from the Airy Transit Circle at the Royal Observatory Greenwich. For RA, astronomers measure east from the Vernal Equinox, the point where the Sun crosses the celestial equator in March as it passes from the southern to the northern half of the sky.
Declination (“Dec”) is the sky’s equivalent of latitude, measured north and south of the celestial equator in degrees, with north being positive. The North Celestial Pole is at +90° and the South Celestial Pole is at −90°.
There are two common uses for RA/Dec coordinates.
The first common use is as a reference coordinate system for perennial knowledge like star charts, celestial catalogs, and record keeping. This use case presents two complications.
The first complication is that real star positions appear to be in constant motion. The Earth’s revolution around the Sun moves the stars in little circles thanks to the aberration of light, and their light can be bent and their images shifted by the gravity of the Sun, Jupiter, and even the Earth. Because these effects are periodic or temporary, they are entirely unsuitable for star charts, which are supposed to be independent of any particular day of the year.
For this reason, always generate reference RA/Dec coordinates from astrometric Skyfield positions, never from apparent positions.
The second complication is that the Earth’s poles don’t point in a fixed direction but gradually trace 26,000-year circles around the sky. This requires RA/Dec coordinates to specify which year’s “equinox” their right ascension is measured from, which will also be the year whose poles and equator they use.
The modern standard for astrometric RA/Dec is the ICRS
(described above).
With axes that are fixed in the directions of the J2000 equinox and poles,
the ICRS is a permanent coordinate system
that will never suffer precession.
Skyfield returns ICRS coordinates
if you simply call radec()
without an argument:
# Astrometric RA/Dec.
ra, dec, distance = astrometric.radec()
print('RA:', ra)
print('Dec:', dec)
print('Distance:', distance)
RA: 11h 06m 51.22s
Dec: +09deg 05' 09.2"
Distance: 0.96678 au
Here we have printed RA and declination using their default units.
See the Angle
class documentation
for the attributes and methods
by which you can retrieve and format an angle’s value
in units of your own choice.
If your project specifically requires coordinates
expressed in the RA/Dec of an older equinox,
you can build a time object and pass it to radec()
# Astrometric RA/Dec relative to another equinox:
# the J1991.25 epoch used by the Hipparcos catalog.
equinox = ts.J(1991.25)
ra, dec, distance = astrometric.radec(equinox)
The other reason that you might generate RA/Dec is practical: you are planning to point a telescope, and after orienting its equatorial mount to the Earth’s poles you want a declination that stays fixed all night while your telescope tracks the specified right ascension across the sky.
In this case you aren’t likely to be satisfied with RA/Dec coordinates of some other era. You’ll want them measured against where the Earth’s poles are really pointing tonight.
Skyfield uses the high precision IAU 2000A model to compute both the precession that carries the Earth’s poles in their 26,000-year circle around the sky and also the short term wobbles in the Earth’s orientation that are called nutation. Together they give Skyfield an accurate assessment of the direction of the poles and equator on a given date.
When pointing a telescope, always use apparent coordinates, since you will want every possible real-world effect accounted for.
While you could pass each position’s time
to its own radec()
that would be a bit tedious,
so Skyfield provides a shortcut:
if you pass the string 'date'
then the RA/Dec coordinates use the equinox and poles
of the date of the position itself:
# Apparent RA/Dec.
ra, dec, distance = apparent.radec('date')
print('RA:', ra)
print('Dec:', dec)
print('Distance:', distance)
RA: 11h 05m 48.68s
Dec: +09deg 11' 35.7"
Distance: 0.96678 au
Note that there are two sources of difference between the astrometric coordinates printed in the previous section and the apparent coordinates printed here. We switched to the RA/Dec system of a different year, so even the exact same position would have been assigned a different coordinate than before. But we have also asked for the RA/Dec of a whole different point in the sky: the point where Mars will actually appear, not the ideal point where it should sit on a star chart that ignores aberration and deflection.
The final result that many users seek is the altitude and azimuth of an object above their own local horizon.
Altitude and azimuth are computed
by calling the altaz()
method on an apparent position.
But because the method needs to know which local horizon to use,
it does not work
on the plain geocentric (“Earth centered”) positions
that we have been generating so far:
alt, az, distance = apparent.altaz()
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: to compute an apparent position, you must observe from a specific Earth location that you specify using a latitude and longitude
You can specify a location on Earth by giving its latitude and longitude to a standard “geodetic system” that models the Earth’s shape. The most popular model is WGS84, used by most modern maps and also by the Global Positioning System (GPS). If you are given a longitude and latitude without a datum specified, they are probably WGS84 coordinates.
You can pass the latitude and longitude to a datum like WGS84
by calling its latlon()
Skyfield provides constants N
, S
, E
, and W
that are each positive one or negative one,
in case you don’t want to remember which directions are positive.
from skyfield.api import N,S,E,W, wgs84
# Altitude and azimuth in the sky of a
# specific geographic location
boston = earth + wgs84.latlon(42.3583 * N, 71.0603 * W, elevation_m=43)
astro =, 3, 1)).observe(mars)
app = astro.apparent()
alt, az, distance = app.altaz()
24deg 30' 27.2"
93deg 04' 29.5"
0.678874 au
So Mars was more than 24° above the horizon for Bostonians on 1980 March 1 at midnight UTC.
The altitude returned from a plain altaz()
is the ideal position
that you would observe if the Earth had no atmosphere.
You can also ask Skyfield to estimate
where an object might actually appear in the sky
after the Earth’s atmosphere has refracted its image higher.
If you know the weather conditions, you can specify them.
alt, az, distance = app.altaz(temperature_C=15.0,
24deg 32' 34.1"
Or you can ask Skyfield to use a standard temperature and pressure when generating its rough simulation of the effects of refraction.
alt, az, distance = app.altaz('standard')
24deg 32' 36.4"
Keep in mind that the computed effect of refraction is simply an estimate. The effects of your local atmosphere, with its many layers of heat and cold and wind and weather, cannot be predicted to high precision. And note that refraction is only applied to objects above the horizon. Objects below −1.0° altitude are not adjusted for refraction.
If you want to know the angle between two positions in the sky,
call the
method of one of the positions
and pass it the other position as its argument.
The result will be an Angle
If instead you want to know the distance between two positions, subtract the position you want to use as the starting point from the other position. The result of this vector math will also itself be a position vector:
v = planets['moon'].at(t) - planets['earth'].at(t)
print('The Moon is %d km away' % v.distance().km)
The Moon is 385010 km away
Two vectors do not need to have the same date and time to be subtracted. By comparing two positions with different times, you can measure how far an object has moved:
t1 = ts.utc(2015, 10, 11, 10, 30)
t2 = ts.utc(2015, 10, 11, 10, 31)
moon = planets['moon']
p1 =
p2 =
km = (p2 - p1).distance().km
print('In one minute the Moon moved %d km' % km)
In one minute the Moon moved 1736 km
You can ask Skyfield to express a position in a number of other reference frames besides the ones illustrated above. For details, see the accompanying chapter that’s specifically dedicated to explaining Coordinates.
You can also read the chapter Planetary Reference Frames, which explains how to use reference frames that are not included with Skyfield, by loading them from NASA reference files.