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Confirmed - Evening 27 June 1998:
Confirmed - the Fox reached Partnership Shelter (VA)
Confirmed - 516.9 miles complete (23.87%)
Confirmed - 1648.6 miles to go (76.13%)

Projected - Evening 3 July 1998:
Projected - Baily Gap Shelter
Projected - 638.7 miles complete (29.49%)
Projected - 1526.8 miles to go (70.51%)

Map (detail)

Partnership Shelter

I have recently received word that the Fox contacted his base at 6pm the evening of Saturday 27 June, from the Partnership Shelter in Virginia. He is reported to be in excellent spirits. NaPensee was at that point one day behind him. The Fox had been having trouble with one knee, but it has since been doing much better.

He reported a successful side trip to the summit of Mt Rogers taken earlier in the week. At 5,729 ft above sea level, it is the highest point in the state of Virginia.

Map (overview)


The white arrow indicates the Fox's last confirmed position on the trail.

The blue arrow is an estimate of the Fox's current position.

If the Fox is significantly ahead of or behind his projected schedule, a red arrow will appear that indicates where he had planned to be by this date.

Return home. This page last compiled on 21 December 2009 by webmaster Brandon Rhodes (brandon@rhodesmill.org).