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Confirmed - Afternoon 27 July 1998:
Confirmed - the Fox left the trail near
Confirmed - South Mountain, PA
Confirmed - 1051.2 miles complete (48.54%)
Confirmed - 1114.3 miles to go (51.46%)
Confirmed -
Confirmed - The Fox is resting in Chambersburg, PA

Final Attempt to Continue?

[30 July 1998] The Fox contacted us early this afternoon and announced that he will again attempt the trail tomorrow, ending his rest on its fourth day. His foot does not hurt as badly as when he left the trail, but he faces the real possibility that he may have to end his hike prematurely. He will make the decision to continue or terminate the hike within the next two or three days.
Map (overview)


The white arrow indicates the Fox's last confirmed position on the trail.

The blue arrow is an estimate of the Fox's current position.

If the Fox is significantly ahead of or behind his projected schedule, a red arrow will appear that indicates where he had planned to be by this date.

Return home. This page last compiled on 21 December 2009 by webmaster Brandon Rhodes (brandon@rhodesmill.org).